
Thursday 10 December 2009

My Latest Creations

I sat and watched Kirsty Allsop's 'Homemade Christmas' tv programme last night. I really love her shows. Anyway I felt so inspired, I fetched these jute bags, my bucket of Scarlet lime bits and pieces and made these for Chrsitmas gifts.

I then made this LO using this weeks Sketchy Thursdays Sketch.

I can't believe Hollie was just 2 (almost 3) when we went to Euro Disney. Her first Disney Fix. It really doesn't seem that long ago. She was so good. Louis was only 3 months old and I really didn't want 2 buggies or to burrow a double buggie, but she managed the whole 4 days on foot with not a single complaint. I never appreciated what a little angel she was when she was tiny.

Exciting Christmassy things going on here today. It's all very hush hush as it's a surprise for the kids. But it involves Ade taking an afternoon off and us going out and choosing something big, green that smells wonderful : )

Have a good day xx

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Just a Quickie

It's almost halfway through the week already. The days are ticking away rather quickly.
I still have some LO's to show from The Studio's Cyber Crop Weekend that I need/want to share.

Above is my Louis and Nephew Charlie. I love using the Swiss Dots card.

Below are my babies.

And one of Louis again.
Finally cracked the Monkey Bars this Autumn.
(and I still can't do them!!)

Click the piccie if you want to see up close.

Lots of stuff going on with us as with most other families this time of stuff galore and huge amounts to do.

I now have packed lunches to make and Holby City to catch up on.

Chat soon xx

Sunday 6 December 2009

How to MoonWalk Sarah-Jane Style

Having a lovely Christmassy weekend here.
Here is a Christmas LO I recently made during The Studio's Charity weekend.
This was Christmas 2008. I wish Hollie would have her hair cut like that again. It's got so long and it looks so lovely shorter like that.

Did you want to know How to Moonwalk Sarah-Jane style????
Well, this is my crazy little sis on a lovely family walk.

Catch the Moon???

On that note, I shall leave you to enjoy the rest of your weekend : )

Thursday 3 December 2009

DT Call and Christmas Book

Do you like my Christmas 2009 book?

I'm rather chuffed with it. Black bazzil, Jenni Bowlin 5x7 Bingo Cards and some clear acetate. I've added bells, ribbons and lots of thick stickles. Just need to start filling it in now, which is on my 'to'do' list for today, along with too many other things. Boring things which right now I'm not going to think about.

Lets just carry on looking at the pretty things and not think about loos that need cleaning and floors that need mopping and work work I need to do.

Maybe if I carry on ignoring all the boring stuff it will all go away???

I made this LO at Sue's at the weekend.
Photos from 2002. We joined my Mum, StepDad Charlie and lil' Bro down in Devon for some lovely days.
I was so happy to see these photos in the box when Ade bought them down recently as my StepDad is in them and he passed away 5yrs ago. So it's nice to have him on a family LO.

DT Call - The Studio are expanding their DT. Amanda wants to increase our challenges to one every Sunday now instead of 2 a month. So we need 7 more talented scrappers so make 2 teams. Fancy it???? Pop by and see what you think. The Studio .

The boring jobs still haven't gone away. Think I'll go make a latte and see if that helps.
Hope your December has got off to a good start.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

December 1st

December the 1st is here. How did that happen? Where has this year gone????
We woke to lots of frost this morning. Lots of crunchy white frost which had the kids very excited. Picking up leaves and skating on the paths into school.

December the 1st also means a new challenge at The Studio this morning.
This challenge goes like this:

  1. Your layout should be based on the theme of childhood – it can be your own or someone elses.
  2. Use a frame of some kind in the design of your layout
  3. Use layers – can be paper, ribbon, whatever you like, but layer it up!

Ade bought some boxes of old snap shots down from the attic last week. It’s been lovely going through them all and revisiting some old memories. I love this photo of Louis, it’s by no means a perfect photo but it instantly made me remember how he felt once bathed and ready for bed. That baby smell, they way he felt so clean, soft and cuddly and just the feel of the Gap Baby gro is something I will never forget. All this came back from just this one photo.
I’ve framed the photo itself using acrylic paint and then added another frame by adding the circle around my baby to really draw attention to him and used this to then journal on.
The layering is one of my favourite technics and something I tend to do all the time. I love layers. I love the extra dimension they add, the texture and the interest it adds too. I’ve cut up patterned papers, added stickers, a journal tag, tickets, a paper frill and primas. Lots and lots of layers.

This photo of Hollie about 18mth was also in that box that Ade found. I scrapped it at Sue's using my new SL KIT.
I glimmer misted some scraps of muslin and stitched around the edges.

She was such a sweetie and a very easy toddler. I was very lucky.

My December journal was started at the weekend. It now needs a cover and binding. I'm looking forward to starting that : )

Sunday 29 November 2009

Happy Thoughts

It's been a tough 'ol week what with one thing and another.I'm glad this week is now at an end. Nearly December and we love Christmas so hopefully a better week for us.

Concentrating on the positives, I had such a lovely day yesterday at my lovely friend Sue's.
If families could win 'Best Host' awards, her's would win hands down. I went with Steph and met Nicky Noo there too. Steph and I got to Sue's slightly early (Sue was still eating her weetabix) 8.45am and I think we left around 10.30pm. So a very good day of scrapping. I managed 5 LO's and a good start of my December mini book too. Plus there was lots of chit chat, delicious cakes baked by Sue's Mum, yummy lunch and tea cooked by Sue's hubby and the day was just FAB!!

Another positive, I'm so lucky to have a lovely family. We may all be spread about but we all get on so well. I made this LO a couple of weeks ago. Dad took the photo whilst he was over.
It's us 4 and our poppy dog with my Sis, her fiance and their 3 kids and my bruv too. This lot make me laugh all the time. I love them to bits.

Right, Hollie is waiting to read to me, X Factor is about to start and I need some cuddles from that hubby of mine.
Hope you had a good week xx

Monday 23 November 2009

A whole new Week

A whole new week has started. Where do the weekends go??? I think weekends should last for at least 3 days. 2 is never enough.
We've done visiting and yesterday was spent doing, homework, lots of cleaning and tidying (a family effort, not just me for change) nice late lunch and finished with us all watching a film. I now need that third day to chill.

Anyway, scrappin. Not much of that taken place this last week. But I still have loads to show following the crops last weekend.
Here are 2 of my Cocoa Daisy LO's.

I love these photos of Ade giving a Louis a piggy back. It was a sketch by Vee.

And this one is a sketch from Anna.

It's almost time for the school run. The rain has finally stopped. Do I risk walking?????

Thursday 19 November 2009

Are you ready for another Challenge?????

Beacause the next challenge has gone live at The Studio.
I really enjoyed this challenge, here how it goes:

  1. Dust off those eyelet setters! Yep, we want to see what you can do with those eyelets you all bought and never used! If you honestly don’t have any, then you can substitute them with brads.
  2. Your title should include a number
  3. Complete your journaling in a ‘list’ style

Remember, you don’t have to use all 3 parts of the challenge, but we’d love it if you did!

I chose to do Louis' yearly LO. Every year before we have a birthday, I like to do a LO listing our current likes and dislikes. So here are Louis's.
It's also fun to add things like what they want to be when they are older. It changes every year.
We've gone from Secret Agent Spy to building lego displays at Legoland...I wonder why????

Anyway, head over to The Studio for a nose and some inspiration. Shimelle is this months Guest Designer. I'm a big fan of hers and love all her creations, so Shimelle fans out there, you won't be disappointed.

Have a good day xx

Tuesday 17 November 2009

More LO's from the weekend

More LO's from this weekend. There are just so many to show.
Sketchy Thursdays set the 24th challenge. It was a sketch I'd used before, so I happily made the LO below. This it's one of my faves from the weekend.
I uploaded it and then the next day (yesterday) I was reading on the Studio and happened to notice that along with the sketch, we were supposed to bring a water theme to the LO. Doh!!! There I ago again. Always getting things wrong. So I made the LO above. I've decided to use that one at the start of my album. (I'm putting all my LO's from this weekend into 1 album) It seemed rather fitting to have that one first.

I feel really tired again. I stayed up until after midnight to finish my book. It just doesn't seem possible to go to bed before 12 anymore.

More LO's to show tommorrow : )

Monday 16 November 2009

My faves from this weekend

This weekend has been a blast. The scrapping was great all weekend long but so was the chatting too.It was great chatting with Amanda, Laura and Ronda Saturday night at The Studio and the Cocoa Daisies have just been so silly beyond belief. It's been a really funny weekend. And I've managed 15 LO's in total!!

I'm adding my fave LO's to this thread from the weekend.
Above is my LO I made for my own challenge at The Studio. To scrap with 'Rock' as your inspiration. My LO is pretty self explanatory : )

This one is a Cocoa Daisy challenge. Vee gave us a sketch to work from. I'm really pleased with this one.

And this one makes me feel happy and sad at the same time.
Taken with my little brother and sister. I've made it to sit on a stand on my desk so I can see they everyday now.

So thank you everyone who's joined in this weekend for a great weekend. I've loved scrapping and chatting with you all. Laura, Nicky, Sue M, Anna, Helena, Ronda, Amanda,Claire and Fay.
And everyone else that's played along too.
And despite what Ade are all 'real friends'
: )

Lots of love

lis xxx

Sunday 15 November 2009

Aloada Scrap

Happy Sunday,
Just a quickie to say that the cyber crops are going well. I'm managing to get lots of lovely LO's made.
The above LO was a challenge set by Laura to scrap a fave place or view.

This one was set by Tami Morrison, to scrap with kraft and bright colours.
(click piccie to read journaling)

And this one was set by Andrea. Scrap a black and white piccie using 3 pp and some mist sprays.

Come and visit us at The Studio to be in to win prizes and have lots of fun.x

Friday 13 November 2009

The Fun has Begun

The Cyber crop kicked off at 7pm as planned (3.5hrs ago).
The first challenge was to go vintage. I'd tried to be so organised for this crop by printing off loads of different photos. Different ages, sizes, colours and the first thing I need to do is print off a photo : ) Decided to go truely vintage back to 1949 infact. My grandparents wedding.

And at 9pm the next challenge was launched...scallops and lots of them.

So far so good : )
I wish the same could be said for the weather. It's blowing a right gale out there and really bucketing it down. The forecast isn't much better for tomorrow either and we will be here
Paultons Park. Oh why oh why??? I don't want to go in the pouring rain and I don't want to visit santa and eat mince pies in November either : (

On Your Marks...

Getting ready for the start of the charity cyber crop tonight at The Studio. It starts at 7pm UK time and sees a new challenge from a different designer or celebrity scrapper every 2 hrs right through until 7pm Sunday evening.

I scrapped my photos from The Royal Albert Hall yesterday. I used a sketch from the Creative Scrappers blog.
Elina made their DT recently, so thought I'd show some support : )

Have a fabby weekend and TFL xx

Thursday 12 November 2009

Royal Albert Hall Video

After posting just a little while ago this morning, I thought I'd add this little video that I filmed on my camera. I've never filmed with it before and didn't even realise that's what I was doing to start with, so it's out of focus and pretty crap. But thought my Mum and Dad would appreciate it.
Hi Mum and Dad xxx

The Royal Albert Hall

Yes, my baby is actually admidst that little lot : )
This is what we could see when we got to our seats last night. Well almost, the photo was taken during the performance. When we arrived just about all 775 children were waving to their parents. It was very sweet. My friend who we went with had her 7 yr old son with her and he wanted to see his big brother who was singing too. She said 'find Jack and I'll give you £10'.
He did actually find Jack (and got the £10) Should've see the expression on my friend's face : )
Hollie is on the left side.

Third down row from the top, from the right she's ninth in. She was so excited when she spotted us. We make bunny ears with our hands on our heads when we wave to each other, so I was so chuffed when she started doing this. I knew she was actually seeing us.
The performance was amazing. The kids were fantastic. A great evening : )

However 50mins before I had to collect Louis from school before then heading off to London, Amanda set a quick challenge over at The Studio.
Make a LO using only black and white with one other colour.
I was actually scrapping at the time, so decided to give it a go quickly before heading out. I'm sure I work better under pressure. I instantly thought black and white photo, the rest will happen. I had this photo, taken back in 2002. I just couldn't find the inspiration to scrap it. And then this happened. I'm quite pleased with it.
I love that photo with my baby Louis : )

The cyber charity crop starts tomorrow night 7pm UK time at The Studio.

Please come and take a nose, the inspiration will be jaw dropping, the prizes to die for, it will be loads of fun and for a great cause too. So if you haven't stopped by, please do.

I think it's latte time xx

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Today I .....

.....have finished this LO.
It's the first photo I've scrapped of Dad since he left on 1st Nov. I love how is is with the kids. They all love him so much. He's just so silly and loves spongebob. An instant winner with them : )

I've used the recent Scarlet lime kit and the latest sketch from Sketchy Thursdays.
If you haven't visited, go take a look.

Today is the day that Hollie performs with her school at The Royal Albert Hall. In fact, she may well be there now. The school coach was collecting them at 12.30. We are leaving at 4.30, still need to decide what to wear.
She was one very excited bunny this morning : )