
Saturday 30 July 2011

Siren's Call #2

Happy Weekend!!!

Oh the sun is shining today. It feels so good : )
I have a couple more to share today from this months new Cocoa Daisy Kit.
Which goes on sale on the 1st August.

Here is my 'Cousins' page.
The cheaky 4some.
The frame has been cut from a piece of pp in the kit using a craft knife.
I then laid one of my crafters workshop templates over my bazzill and misted over.
I love circles right now.

These alpha stickers are in the main kit and I added some twine to the title.

Do you like the smash clips? Also in this months kit : )

And then onto a mini canvas I made.
It's just a small canvas about 6x6 inches and it's really deep.

I punched out a load of hearts from the map paper in the kit. There are 4 per pile and they've been stitched up the centre to keep them together, fanned out and stuck to the canvas.
I'm working on a collage wall for the hall way, so this is now waiting to be hung there.

Our very clever design team have come up with some truly inspiring pieces again this month.
Like this sweet mini book from Alissa. I have a real thing for corrugated card.
And I love how Christine used the banner stamp and the add on stencil on this LO.
And look what Denise did with these alpha's.
Lisa makes the most beautiful cards. Look at this one.
And Ronda has made a set of minis to take on holiday for the family to journal whilst away. How cool is that??!! Look here.

I love seeing what the other girls do with their kits.

Today has been really nice.
Some early scrapping before the family got up, a visit to a farm for some fruit picking, drive out for cake and a drive around Broadmore. Never seen it before and we live so close so we decided on a drive by whilst we were in that neck of the woods. Shudder. Gives me the creeps.
A late lunch in the garden, game of charades and now some more scrapping for me and Hollie is baking shortbread biscuits to go with the strawberries we picked and some cream : )

What are you up to today?
Hope you are having fun xxx

Friday 29 July 2011

Siren's Call #1

Good Morning.

Following last nights new kit reveal at Cocoa Daisy I can now share with you a couple of LO's using the new August kit 'Sirens Call'.
This months kit is fun, bright with a hint of holiday.
You can see the kit here. It goes on sale on the 1st.

My first page; Date Night

I punched out 3 hearts using my sizzix and cut the paper down so it was a strip. I then laid it at the bottom of the pp sideways on and misted over. The hearts strip was then stuck down too.

I love the thick ribbon in the main kit. It ties so nicely.

This story is another Louis story. We have many.
This was when I was sick a couple of weeks ago, full of cold. We'd had a day at legoland and had planned to go on a date night, just Ade and I. We were to drop Hollie off at the disco and go out for pizza. But I lay on the sofa and just didn't want to move. Then Louis said ''If you cancel your date, will Ade dump you?''
Bless, can you imagine that!! Reason for divorce, my wife canceled the date because she had a cold. I didn't cancel though.....just in case : )

And the next, Memory.

Lots of 7Gypseys Mykonos papers in this kit.
And the chipboard word Memory came in last months kit.
I simply misted with Mister Huey and then coated in Glossy Accents.

I'm off to visit a local scrap store now that I haven't been to before. It's in the little quaint town, Godalming. I'm really looking forward to it.

Enjoy your day, I'll be back tomorrow with the rest of my Cocoa Daisy goodies.
Love Lisa xxx

Thursday 28 July 2011

Cocoa Daisy Reveal

Tonight is the Cocoa Daisy August Kit Reveal.
Join us over on the message boards to see what the kit is like this month, the add-ons, what our design team has come up with and for all the fun and games later on.
We start here at 9pm UK time (4pm EST).

Here are my sneaks.

Thank you for all your kind comments about my teachers gifts yesterday.
We have finally finished school for the summer. Yay!!
It's been a good day so far.
A long sleep in for Hollie, baking and cleaning and working for me first thing. We've had friends over for abit and we are popping out this afternoon.
So far so good : )
It's just nice not having to clock watch all the time and plan packed lunches.

See you tomorrow xx

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Last Day = Teachers Presents

The kids break up from school this lunchtime.
It feels like we should have done weeks ago.

So as usual the end of the school year = teachers presents and cards.
Here you go...

Using Fancy Pants Designs: To the Moon.
Love the cute glitter cuts.

And using Fancy Pants Baby Mine.
I did cut that ticket from a piece of 'It's the little things' paper.
The flower and brad are from Beach Babe.

I made a couple of prezzies for Louis' class teacher. She's bought her first home and is moving in in the school holidays.
Here is a wall hanger.

I use Baby Mine again from Fancy Pants, with a Fancy Pants Doiley.

And I also made her a 'Home' mini book.
We got some Maya Road goodies recentlt sent out by Fancy Pants. I received this fab chipboard home book.
I docorated the pages with Baby Mine papers.

The board pages are super thick and just lovely to work with.
And inside I misted lots and used the journal embellishments from the 'it's the little things' collection.

I hope she likes it : )

Off to watch Hollie collect an award at school now.
Another 'Heck family' moment. If you watch 'The Middle' you'll get that.

Thank you for stopping by today xxx

Monday 25 July 2011

A Right ol' Mish-Mash

That's what this weeks cummer challenge #5 over at Cocoa Daisy is about.

I've just set this weeks challenge if you want to go and see here.
This week we are using up old kits, the bits that we have left over each month.
Here's my page.

I've used bits left over from this months Cocoa Daisy kit and teamed them up with Aprils leftovers.
It's so easy to forget about a kit once the new one arrives.
So this week is the chance to go back into those kit bags and remind yourself what's leftover.

I found this photo that I had printed last year waiting for Green Day to come on stage at Wembley. How lucky were we to get right up at the front??I still can't believe we got so close.

Come and join us at Cocoa Daisy with your mish mash pages.
It always feels good to use up stash.

Hugs xxx

Sunday 24 July 2011

The Rock Collector

Hello and a happy Sunday to you.

I'm feeling rather hungover today after a very good party yesterday at a lovely friends, so todays blogpost shall be kept short.

I loved working with this weeks challenge at The Studio. It's sketch week. The sketch is fab and I shall be using it again. Go and see for yourself here.

Here's my page.

I used mostly Studio Calico products on this page along with JBS paint.
It's about my Louis and his love for rocks.

For the party yesterday I made cupcakes.
Yummy maltesa cupcakes for the kids.

And mochachino for the adults.
I skewered the chocolate cupcakes and drizzled Kalour into the sponge for a moist coffee flavour and the frosting on top is made with the addition of fresh cream with Kalour too with a dusting of cocoa and grated Greens Dark chocolate to finish.
I think I might just go and make some more now as I have some of the frosting left over.
Seems a shame to waste : )

Enjoy your Sunday xxx

Thursday 21 July 2011

This and That

It's been a funny week.
I feel like I've managed to get a fair bit done.
I'm kind of trying to get organised ready for the kids breaking up next week.
I finally have a voice. 3 whole days of just a whisper is really hard work. It's still croaky but getting stronger.

Last night I grabbed some scrappy time.
I wanted to scrap a page for me for a change. So I've played along with the Sassafras July challenge. It was right up my street. Mixing up different collections on teh one page.

Sassafras always makes me feel so happy and carefree, so it had to be a funny page for me.
This was Louis making himself wasp and bee proof.
Not great as we were about to go on a walk.

I've used a few different c9ollections here, some old and some new.

Then today I took a 10min break from work and added these wooden hearts to my wall decor.
There was some twine at the top of each heart which I removed. Sprayed with Mister Huey and when dry I added these big fabric Bacic Grey Brads.

And then in true Lisa style, stuck them to the wall with blue tack : )

And finally, seeing as it's Thursday, I have my Sketchy Thursdays page to show.

This was my busy week last week. Busy/crazy.
And here's this weeks sketch.

Ok, kids to see to now and dinner to prep.
Have a lovely evening.
Kiss kiss xxx

Monday 18 July 2011

Food Glorious Food

I am a self confessed 'foodie'.
(and proud of it)

I read recipe books from cover to cover like novels, I watch food network on tv, I prefer to buy new pretty bake ware over new clothes, I buy the 'delicious' magazine not gossip mags. I bake 2-3 times a week. I enjoy putting together a weekly menu every Sunday, sat with my cook books for inspiration and I cook from scratch every night.

So this week at Cocoa Daisy, I've set a food challenge for our #4 weekly summer challenge.

If you would like to join in, simply scrap any food related page.
Here are a couple of my favourites.

Using Fancy Pants 'To the Moon' collection.

And this one using Fancy Pants 'Beach Babe' collection.

Read here for more details on joining in.

I've struggled abit with this cold.
It's just been such a busy time that I haven't been able to slow down.
So as usual, I ended up loosing my voice.
It went Friday night.
We'd had a busy day at legoland with Louis. I came home and felt terrible. I laid on the sofa before getting him ready for sleepover #2 and had to also get ready as Hollie was having a friend over for a sleepover and we were taking them to 'Hype', a local disco for the 11yrs+.
The plan was that Ade and I were to have a date night, we'd booked a table at Pizza Express.
But I lay on the sofa and just wanted to sleep.
Louis asked if I was going to die. Apparently I looked like they do in films when they are about to die.
Then he asked me, if I cancelled my date with Ade, would he dump me???
Can you imagine that???
Made me laugh though.

So with all that my voice gave in and I'm still waiting for it to reappear.

Not sure if the long walk in the rain helped yesterday.
I just needed some fresh air though. So 10am we decided to get dressed and wander over to the common near us. Just as we got outside it started raining. We grabbed raincoats and went anyway, but the rain never stopped.
It was fun though, despite Louis not being quiet for 2 seconds. He chatted, and sung songs he made up the whole time and then chatted some more. It was non stop. Very tiring!

Here's some snaps of the walk.

These yellow plants are everywhere and covered in these stripey caterpillars.

Hope you had a good weekend : )
Thanks for visiting today xxx