Thursday 2 February 2012

The Sun Always Shines...

....when these two are around.

My last LO as guest designer for Skissdeila.
You can see the sketch here.

I used my Jan Cocoa Daisy kit for this one.
Lots of yellows and aquas. Always a fave of mine.

The heart was made out of a tag I made for a project.
I only needed the top half of the tag but kept the bottom bit as I loved the paint effect.
So I made this : )

Thank you to the Skissedila girls for having me in January. I've loved playing along with your beautiful sketches.
I will be back!!

Lisa xx


NickyNoo said...

So striking I love it, especially the sun :o) xx

Sue said...

LOVE the sunshine - could do with a bit of that here

Denise said...

so stunning. I needed the sunshine, thanks Lisa.

Anonymous said...

Love it! So bright and breezy x

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Loveeeeeeeeeeee this Lisa!! LOVING that sun and the cloud! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Lea said...

Love how you cut out the sun and clouds. And your painting and misting is fabulous as always! Love the little negative heart as well!

Carol said...

Fab layout so bright and fresh, liking the colours.

missusem said...

Adore your pages as always Lisa. You rock!

yyam said...

Such a sweet layout! I love the fussy cutting and the white space! :)

Ronda Palazzari said...

Gorgeous! You know i love those colors!

Lynnda said...

Stunning layout Lisa.... hugs...xoxo