
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Cocoa Daisy Inspiration Day

We would like to invite you to join us at Cocoa Daisy this Saturday 4th May for a day jam packed full of inspiration, fun and games with a blog hop with prizes and a competition.

If you aren't registered yet, please do so here. It's free and the day will be so much fun.

I have a cheeky page to share of Louis today made with my May Cocoa Daisy Kit.

We were sat in the Beaches and Cream Diner in Disneyworld. He was messing about with my camera and wouldn't give it back when Ade asked. He kept snapping away at himself instead. Ade got annoyed and Louis took a photo of him being annoyed before handing it back.
Looking back at these photos last week it did make me laugh. Little devil!!

I used the Buddy addon for this page.
I love those badges.

And the Teresa Collins 'He Said' papers and sticker sheet comes with it too.

The sun is shining again today.
I love these starts to the day.
Puts you in such a good mood.

I really hope you can join us on Saturday xxx

Monday 29 April 2013

Curly Brown Hair

Happy Monday!!

What was your hair like as a child?
I look at this photo and think what went wrong?

It looks so cute here, I love my brown curls. But not long after Mum hacked it all off and I had short thick bushy hair all the way through until I grew it long when I was a teen.
Mum gave me some curls of mine taken when I was 3 just last weekend. That's how this LO came about. I used the glassine envelope from my Cocoa Daisy kit to pop them in.

 This is the first LO from my May Cocoa Daisy Kit. Record Label.
I struggled this month. I can't remember the last time I said that with a kit.
There's a fair bit of dark and I think that bothered me a little. Once I had pulled out the brights, I think I was fine and ended up with 5 projects made in 2 sittings, so it all came good in the end.

There are some cute addons this month to temp you in.
Like the one with those gorgeous fabric Cosmo Cricket Brads and those Thickers too.
So good!!
The kit and addons go on sale here on the 1st for all the non subbers.
Until then, here's the full designers gallery to see for some wicked inspiration.

Enjoy your Monday xxx

Sunday 28 April 2013

Some Sneaks

Happy Sunday to you.
It's been a busy week.
Can you tell? No blogging : )

I've been working such long hours again.
I've also used my kitchen aid for the first time. I made an orange and cranberry cake to break it in.
I also made some spiced Pumpkin muffins to take to the crop yesterday.

The crop was fun and a taught a LO class too.
I made a new friend. Alexa Gill also known as Curly Wiggles online. 
I know Alexa through Cocoa Daisy and it was so good to sit next to her and scrap and chat in person. I can't wait to chat with her again.
And I had my lovely friend Paula on my other side too.
A lovely day.

Aswell as work this week I've been working on my new Cocoa Daisy kit that arrived.
The reveal is tonight here.

My LO's are finally loaded to the gallery ready for tonight.
Here are some sneaks in the meantime.

I'm about to get stuck in to some work.
We are having a home day today after us all being out all day yesterday.
The kids made pancakes for breakfast, homework is now being done and whilst I work in the family room we are going to catch up with this weeks Modern Family, The Middle and Big Bang.
We missed them on Friday as we watched the Grimm series to the end so we could return Paula's dvds to her yesterday.

I hope you are having a good weekend.
Lots of love xxx

Saturday 20 April 2013

10 Ways with Masks

That's the class that I'm teaching tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it.

We will be making something like this.

And a little mini canvas too.
All the details are here.
It's going to be a fun one. Just 2 more spaces left if you are free and want to play.
Have a fab weekend xxx

Wednesday 17 April 2013

The Everyday Stuff

It's Wednesday, it's raining and my mug is empty.
Not good.
I must go and make another latte in a sec.
How's the week going for you?

It's everyday stuff here today.

I've been doing some more with my Project Life-ish.
I'm enjoying keeping bits and pieces like receipts and tickets in my PL box ready to use. It feels good to record everyday stuff without having to make a whole 12x12 page about it.

I've put a blog post together for Papermaze which is live today here.
There are some more PL pages and some tips on cool photo editing and printing off instagram pics.

I've started back at work on my Orlando Trip Report. It's time consuming, but I kept a photo and written diary whilst away because I wanted to look back on the trip in detail like this, so I need to make an effort to continue. It's so fun to look back on.
I managed to get 2 more days done yesterday.
I've added a link on my sidebar today of the report in progress. Here's a link if you fancy a nose.  
541 days to go until we are back again : )

And finally today my Kitchenaid mixer is due for delivery.
How happy am I?????
I really wanted Ice Blue but it was out of stock, so Ade bought it for my birthday last month and I received a printed photo on the day.
I can't wait for it to arrive.

I need to make that second mug of latte now.
It feels so chilly today.
Thanks for stopping by. xxx

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Ways with Masks & Stencils Class

I'm so looking forward to my 'Ways with Masks & Stencils' class on Sunday this weekend.
It's in Swindon, UK in Sparkle Dreams.

We will be covering lots of different techniques on how to get the most out of your masks & stencils, clean and dirty and not the usual misting.
The class runs from 10.30am-1pm and we will be making a mini canvas like this and a LO too.
It's £16 per person.

You can see here for all the details.
I love teaching here, it's such a friendly place. I look forward to it every month.


Monday 15 April 2013

Cocoa Daisy Sneaks - Record Label & a Freebie

It's that time of month when we start wondering what's coming in the next Cocoa Daisy Kit.
This one is such a contrast to what we've had so far this year.
That's what I love about Cocoa Daisy, the kits are all so different.

Here's some sneaks for you.

We are also offering free Cocoa Daisy Grab Bags.
Here's how you can grab yourself one.

Every month we have leftover bits and pieces from our kits and add ons and the Bunker is starting to get a little tight, so we have decided to create some Grab Bags. Each Grab Bag will be filled with at least $25.00 worth of goodies from the last few month's kits and add ons.

We have two ways you can get one:

1. Get yours Free when you sign up for a 6 month main kit subscription. Just enter "GRAB BAG" in the comments section when you check out.

2. Share this Cocoa Daisy Facebook post on your timeline and be entered to win a Free Grab Bag! One winner will be picked on Friday April 19th.

Have a lovely day xx

Sunday 14 April 2013

Weekend Scrapping

I think it's my favourite time to scrap, the weekend.
I love having that time when everyone at home is doing something and I can relax and just enjoy being in my little scrappy element. Radio on and a hot fluffy latte on my desk. That's my favourite way to scrap.

I have just launched a new 'Pleased to Meet You' challenge over at Cocoa Daisy.
This month our focus is on Denise.
I was so fortunate to meet Denise in LA at CHA this year. I love her so much. She has all the qualities that to me makes a wonderful person and friend. She's honest, interesting and so so much fun. We giggled together so much but also had some really good conversations too about everything. Personal and worldly.
Denise has one of the most fun styles I know in the scrapbook world. She's so fearless this girl.
Take a look at her blog.    

To kick off this months challenge I have scrapped with Denise's style in mind and yesterday I made this.

I found this photo recently whilst looking on Hollie's ipod with her at the photos she'd taken when we were in Orlando. She has some really cute ones. This one just melts my heart. It was the first day of our trip and we had arranged to meet my sis and her family at 10am in SeaWorld. It was nearing the end of their trip. We were so excited to see them there. Look at Millie's little face. I adore my little niece so much. She was so excited.
We'd love you to come and play along at Cocoa Daisy this month and see your own takes on Denise's style. Come and see here. We will be playing until May 13th.
Have fun : )


Thursday 11 April 2013

The Best Bits Framed

Good Morning.
How's Spring going for you so far?

I've been wanting to share my latest project here, but I've needed to change email servers (a very long story) so I've changed to gmail but as it's a business account I require it clashed with my personal account that I use for scrapbooking, but as you can see we have sorted it now : )

So, this project.

It's a rather large project. 16x11 inches to be more precise.
It started off with the Jillibean Soup Place mats that are in the Cocoa Daisy main kit 'forecast' this month.
You can see it here.
So I thought it would be fun as it's not your usual 12x12 paper to use it as this months 'Teaming Up With ' blog project at Cocoa Daisy. Just to see what the other designers would come up with and share some ideas with everyone who is now receiving their kits.

I loved making this. I started with a large piece of card and misted the background.
I used Maya Mists Lime MetallicTurquoise Metallic, a little Cornflower Blue, Blue Agave which I understand has been sadly discontinued and some Lemon Metallic too in the top right hand corner. 
As most of them are metallic mists it does leave a fab kind of shimmer.

I used the Jillibean Diecuts to embellish the little polaroid style frames which came the addon 'Wellies' along with these cute Jillibean Butterfly Pins.

And I printed off some of our favourite Orlando 2012 photos. It's now hanging in the hallway and makes me smile when I walk past.

We are on countdown again. It's now 546 days til we go again : )
Our happy place.

Please go and check out the Cocoa Daisy blog post here and see what the other girls have created with their placemats. It's so fun to see how many different ways it can be used.  It's a really fun post.
Plus if you are feeling the love for this kit, Christine up'd the numbers this month and we still have some left. See here.
The kids are still on Easter holidays this week. We've been keeping busy.
A trip to London on Sunday. We did the London Dungeons, London Eye and the Tate Modern Art Museum. I was so pleased that the kids loved the art museum. I expected Louis to complain that it was boring but he took it all in. We were chatting about it whilst in the car on Monday and they were telling me their favourite pieces and what they thought different artists were trying to say through their work etc.. They took it all in.
We are planning to go back again soon. There is a Lichtenstein exhibition on right now. You have to pay to visit so we thought we'd test the waters first to see how the kids were and I think they would love the exhibition. It's pop art and they both sketch, Louis is really into writing comics, so I think they would both enjoy it.
Thanks for stopping by today.
I hope you are having good week.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Mini Cards

Yay for the weekend.
I have some mini cards to show today.
I do like to try and send homemade cards, I don't always manage it though I have to admit and I've stopped stressing about it too if I can't and so often pop an M&S card or something in the post.

I recently made some mini ones though with some bits and pieces from  

When I do make a card I try and make a few at a time using the same design to make it easier and quicker.
You can read about these cards and the supplies I used and see more pics on the papermaze blog here if you wish.

What has the weekend in store for you?
I did lots of cleaning this morning and then we've just watched Louis at soccer. It was a 1-1 score and an exciting match, Louis got the Man of the Match trophy. You can see his cute pic on Instagram here.
We are swimming after the Grand National race this afternoon, we all have little bets placed : )
And Chinese takeaway whilst watching the last Ant and Dec on TV tonight.
Tomorrow we are heading in to London to visit the London Dungeons.
A fun weekend.

I hope you enjoy yours too xxx

Friday 5 April 2013

A Sketch & a Design Team Call

Hello and Happy Friday to you.

I've just been getting my next lot of SCRAP365 stuff up together ready to send in next week. Lots of fun features coming up.

Have you seen the latest sketch challenge on the Sketchbook365?
You can see it here. The challenge runs unti 19th April and we are sponsored this month by 'A Sprinkle of Imagination'

Here's my take.

A bit of a pink and orange combo going on here today.
I love this photo that Louis took of us on Anna Maria Beach in Florida.
It was taken on the day that the big storms were due to hit Orlando. We swapped our days to go to the beach instead as the forecast was dry. We escaped the rain, the plan worked. It was rather overcast on this day though but it was hot and dry.

I heard this quote in the movie 'The Vow'. Hollie and I love that film. I knew I had to use it on a page.

And if you love working with sketches, the SCRAP365 Sketch Blog (sketchbook365) are looking for
a team to work on their sketches each month. You can read all about the call here.
Good Luck!

Have a lovely day.
We are popping out with the kids later. Ade is off today. We are planning lunch out, a little shopping in town and maybe a swim later. Followed by Comedy Friday tonight. Yay The Middle and Modern Family started back last week.

See you soon xxx

Thursday 4 April 2013

My Fave Way to Start the Day

This is how I like it...

Ade bringing me a latte in bed.
Nothing gives me a better start to the day : )

I used some Elle's Studio papers from my Cocoa Daisy kit this month.
I fall more and more in LOVE with Elle's Studio products. I'm so happy that Elle has now introduced papers to her collections too and after meeting her at CHA I have to add that she's as adorable as her products : )
And I was so pleased that we got so much of it in the April kit.

I even added the strip from the bottom here. It was the perfect little touch to my LO.

Of you love Elle's Studio as much as me, you can now but lots of the bits and pieces from Papermaze in the UK. Take a look here. I was so excited when I noticed a few weeks ago and ordered a whole load.

So tell me....what's your favourite way to start the day?


Wednesday 3 April 2013

Tips & Tricks

Good Morning : )
How are you today?

I want to share with you my new Tips and Tricks post over at Cocoa Daisy today.
I had so much fun doing this post/layout. It was my favourite LO I made using my kit this month.

Here's the LO, but please check out the Cocoa Daisy Blog post here for all my tips and tricks on this page.

I'm about to make myself a latte and visit some blogs. I've had so little time to do that lately. I find it so relaxing too. I should allow myself to do it 10mins a day.
I started 2 new projects late last night which I'm really excited about. Why is it that the mojo comes alive around midnight when I'm off to bed. why???

Have a fab day and thanks for stopping by xxx

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Spring is here & a Sketch

It really looks like it is.
The sun is shining and the sky is blue. Looks lovely outside.
It's been a long winter so Spring is so welcome.

I made this little card to send to my Dad in the States with a whole bunch of Cadburys chocolate. He misses that so much and Jaffa Cakes too.

I made this with some leftovers from my Cocoa Daisy April Kit 'Forecast'.
And this LO here too.

 This is for this months Sketch Challenge. You can see the sketch on the CD blog here.
Mine as usual ended up looking nothing like the sketch, but the intentions were there to start.

I love these two 'before & after' photos. It was in Disney's Animal Kingdom at the Kali River Rapids ride.

I made a little pocket using the photo and a journal card using some Jenni Bowlins papers and a Jullibean Sticker to tell the story. I love thee Elle's Studio papers and journal pieces in this months kit.

If you fancy playing along, please check out the Cocoa Daisy blog here for all the details.

Did you have a fun Easter weekend?
The kids are out today so it's a full on work day for me today. So much to do.
Thank for those that have asked, I'm feeling so much better now. I still get dizzy when I'm tired, but I think I've gotten used to it and the dizzy spells are not as bad as they were thankfully.

Well, have a lovely day. I hope it's also sunny where you are xxx

Monday 1 April 2013

It Makes Me Smile : )

Happy Easter to you.
I hope you've been enjoying the long weekend.

We've had a lazy one after a cold but fun day at Chessington on Friday.
Lots of movies, good food and I've worked a fair bit too, but whilst watching movies with the family.

I have been loving Aprils 'Forecast' kit from Cocoa Daisy. I have made so much and still have so much planned with it.

Here's the first that I will share with you here.

'I Smile When I Think Of You'

Whilst we were in LA in January, Mandyk and I bought the same necklaces in Disney. Now everytime I wear it I think of her.

I love these Jillibean sticker words from the main kit. They make title work so much fun.
And this month we have designed some exclusive papers with 'Simple Stories' just for this kit.
It's really worth checking out.

If you haven't seen this months kit yet, take a look here.
Christine has increased numbers so they don't sell out so quick.
This kit is so much fun.

Off for a game of Frustration with Louis now.
Enjoy the rest of yor weekend. xx