
Saturday 28 February 2015

My March Sneaks

I am loving my March Cocoa Daisy Kit so much.
I've been looking forward to sharing my sneaks with you.

It's the full reveal tonight.
8pm EST
Please come and join us here.

Have a great weekend.

Lisa xx

Wednesday 25 February 2015

My Return to Project Life

When I started Project Life a couple of years ago I promised myself that I wouldn't get hung up on week numbers and dates.
If I did it great and if I didn't then I would just miss a week or two....but that turned to 3 and then 4 and then a few more.
Six months later and I'm back to it again.
For so long I keep saying to myself that I must get my album out again.
So I did last week and I'm back to it again.

I've made a couple of weeks and I'm happy to be back.

I made this page with some Simple Stories papers and stickers from Papermaze.


Tuesday 24 February 2015

Cocoa Daisy March Sneaks

I get so excited when my despatch email comes through.
It means that my Cocoa Daisy kit is on it's way.

It usually takes about a week to arrive from the US.
The time scale has really improved over the years.

This is what March is looking like.

And the March Planner Sneak.
Can you see why I'm excited about getting my kit now?
The full reveal will be on February 28th - 9pm EST.
Don't miss out!!

One final thing today.
Our Cocoa Daisy Instagram account got locked so we have a new account.
Please follow us. There will be giveaways : )

Thanks so much.

Monday 23 February 2015

Bodging a 'B' and a great Milkshake

It's become a little tradition that when we visit Celebration in Orlando we stop for Coke floats by the lake. It's the most beautiful setting.

Hollie went for a strawberry milkshake this time and said it was the best milkshake ever.

 I used the Belle BLVD - Molly papers on this LO.
Aren't they fun?!!

I was missing a 'B' though so had to create one myself.
Did I pull it off?
These are such pretty papers.
I cut out some of the flowers and leaves and added a little crackle glaze to the centre of the flowers.
Or Florida album is looking so colourful.
I hope you have a bright and colourful day xxx

Sunday 22 February 2015

Elevator Selfies

This was a new family trip tradition that started just after we'd checked in at Gatwick airport.

''Elevator Selfies''

We ended up with quite a few of these taken over the 3 week trip.
I used just 1 piece of patterned paper on this LO from Jillibean Soup - Sightseeing Stew. Along with a Jillibean Soup die cut paper which I use for misting only and I just love these new Jillibean Soup alpha stamps.
They are the best!!! 

I am really getting through these Florida photos now : )

Have a wonderful Sunday.
I may just scrap a little more.
Hugs xxx

Saturday 21 February 2015

Sibling Love

Louis was 13 a couple of weeks ago.
He wanted to have his birthday meal at Nandos.
It was a really fun evening.

I'm so lucky that our two get on so well.
Louis has become incredibly annoying these recent past months which has put a strain on them. Even the big sisterly love is struggling, but they are still friends and still have a laugh together.

I made this LO using the Bella BLVD collection - Family Forever.
I just love these happy primary colours.
Here are a few close ups.


I have full details on how to make this mixed media LO over on Papermaze today along with more close ups.
I was a really fun one to make.
Please check out the blog here.

Thank you xxx

Friday 20 February 2015

2015 To-Do's

This year we are going with a 'to-do' list.
A pretty big one at that.
This year is all about achieving.

Here is my LO using my January Cocoa Daisy Kit.

We had a pretty big Jillibean mask included in this kit. I've used it a couple of times now. So now I've cut it up abit, time to do something different with it and use the actual mask on my LO.

Thanks for stopping by.
Have a fun Friday xxx

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Eight Photos & Eight Stars

I'm sharing a fun and very colourful page today.

This was such a fun day at Hollywood Studios. The teens were at their best. Makes a huge difference to the day. The colours needed to be bright and fun to reflect upon the day we had.
I used to really struggle with multi photo LO's but I seem to make them more and more lately.

I used the Bella BLVD - Lucky Starz collection on this page.

It's half term here right now. Kids are at home for the week.
So far so good and it's already Wednesday.
I'm taking Louis and 2 friends out for ice cream whilst Hollie has a couple of friends over and does afternoon tea for them. How times have changed : )

Enjoy your day xxx  

Tuesday 17 February 2015

She makes me happy

When she's in a good mood that is!!
It's the Designers Challenge over at Cocoa Daisy today.
The challenge is:

... to use 3 photos
... Make your title a question
... Doodle on your page

Here is my take:

 This was such a fun day at Hollywood Studios in Orlando. Hollie was up for so much fun. It made such a difference to the day. She took loads of silly selfies.
 I used the February kit on this LO with lots of bits from the DITL kit.
I took the little vellum hearts and strung them onto some silver thread using a needle to make some bunting. It looks so cute!

If you want to play along with us at Cocoa Daisy. You have 2 weeks to play and you could win $10 to spend in the Daisy store,
See here for more details

Monday 16 February 2015

It was very well 'REPLENISHED'!!

His bowl was, that's for sure!

Our OLW this month is 'REPLENISH'.
This was actually hubby's idea for this LO of mine.
I asked him what he thought of when I say the word and he came up with 'buffet'.
I swear all that man think of is his belly!!

So from that came this.
The Fussy Eaters Paradise

I copied the meaning of the word replenish from an online dictionary and popped it in to a teeny Fancy Pants paper bag.

I used lots of pieces from Bella BLVD on this page. I find the packs of paper pieces really handy to use. They make creating a LO very easy and fun and I love the colour that they add.

This boy sure loves the American Buffets.
It's so good to go somewhere with him and see him eat and eat and not complain.

I also used a piece of Scrapmatts Chipboard. I used a Tim Holtz White stain first and then took a red sharpie and just coloured in the 'wow' bit to make it stand out.

This challenge will run for the next month.
If you want to join us and play along or if you simply want to see what the other OLW designers have created, please take a look here.

Thanks so much xxx

Sunday 15 February 2015

Hello!! Did you plan that outfit??

It was such a great meet & greet for Hollie meeting Alice.

Hollie had been wanting to meet Alice in Wonderland but we'd missed her during our last Disney visit 2 yrs previous.

We queued for a short while with all the little ones and when it was Hollie's turn it was just so sweet. Alice walked up to her and was like ''Hello! Did you plan that outfit? I love how everything coordinates. You matched your shoes with your dress''.
She then was telling Hollie how she likes to match things too and matched her hair band with her shoes.

She was with Hollie for quite some time. It really was sweet : )

I used the Elles Studio Sketch for inspiration for this LO and used their Everyday Moments Collection to create with.

I used the strip along the bottom where the company & paper collection details are printed to turn into little flags.

Another Disney LO ticked off the list!!

Have a lovely Sunday xx

Saturday 14 February 2015

Love is in the Air

Happy Valentines to you!!!

Are you doing anything special?
We don't bother with it here.
Everyday should be a special day right???
Yea, right!!  : )

I did make a cute little mini book though using the 'day in the life' kit from Cocoa Daisy this month.

The kits come in muslin bags, so I added a wooden word and popped in some heart choccies and sweets and it become a book in a bag.

I have all the photos on the Cocoa Daisy Blog here.
And a couple of my teamies have their Valentines projects to share too.

Have a wonderful day.
May you feel special and loved xxx

Friday 13 February 2015

What do you do when you attend a secret wedding?

You make a secret book of course!!

Sorry for my absence here recently.
I just can't seem to add photos from my pc on to my blog : (
I'm having to write up the posts and then add the photos from the laptop.
Such a faff!!!

Anyway, secret book!!
It's so hard when you attend such a beautiful & special day not to blag.
You want to share with others and show them pretty photos.
But we can't.
But I did make the couple a mini book to keep and today I am sharing snippets from this book on the Papermaze blog.

It was a beautiful Disney wedding in Orlando.

I used the Simple Stories - Hugs & Kisses Collection.
It's just perfect for a mini book like this.

And I just adore the Freckled Fawn Wood Chips.
I must get more.
I like having them in pretty dishes on my desk so I can just grab and add when I'm creating.

So please check out my blog post here for more secret piccies and details of how this little book was made.
Thank you!!!
And Yay!!!! It's Friday!!

Lisa xxx