
Monday 5 November 2018

20 Home Storage Hacks

It's MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY on my YouTube Channel today.

I'm talking storage!!
I wish I had a huge house with a basement and loads of big built in cupboards, but I don't, so instead I have to be creative with my storage.
The thing is....if everything has a home, then this makes keeping a home so much tidier.

So today's video is me sharing some of my favourite storage solutions.
The video is here.
I hope it helps.

Have a great week.
Lisa x

Friday 5 October 2018

Looking Forward...What's been going on???

Hi!! It's been a while.
We had a super busy Summer. With almost 4 weeks away on a fun US Roadtrip.
Then my Dad visited from the US a couple of weeks after we got back and we had all the family stay.
Then Louis started A Levels the day after Dad left and then Hollie moved to Uni just a couple of weeks after that. And on top of that I'm running a business and working super long crazy hours....and breath  : )

So that's what's been happening around here.

If you don't subscribe to my YouTube channel, it's here.

I've been adding our Roadtrip vlogs. I loved editing these so much. It makes me so happy that I've captured all these adventures. I add a new video every Saturday morning.

And I've also just started adding the videos from my Dad's trip too.
These videos I will prewarn you are a little crazy. My brother and sister are so funny. It's like having a comedy double act around you all the time....if you find that kind of thing funny of course!!

I've also been doing a lot of organising and motivational type videos and obviously all the crafty creative ones too. I enjoy these so much.

 My Kit Club, Lollipop Box Club is super busy.
My latest unboxing video for this month's kit has just gone up today, so you can see what that's all about here if you fancy.

So that's what we've been up to.
Please leave me a comment and let me know what you've been up to.

Have a great weekend.

Lisa x

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Travel Mini Book - Here & There

Hi, today I have a mini book for you.
I'm making this one ahead of time. The idea being when we get back from our trip I can just print off the photos and add the journaling.

You can read more details about this mini book over on the Papermaze blog today here.

And for even more details, I have a process video of this book being made here.

Mini Books are one of my favourite projects to make.
I hope you enjoy.
Lisa x

Saturday 7 July 2018

What's in my Disney Parks Bag?

Today I have a video showing what I take in my Disney Parks bag.
I like to go light in to the parks, so I just take a few essentials.
Lisa x

Thursday 21 June 2018

I'm a Busy Bee - Creative Journaling Challenge

I have a new creative journaling challenge over on the Lollipop Box Club blog today.
You can see it here.
I've used the June Kit here to create with.

This month's kit is called 'Bee Happy'. So I thought it would be a fun challenge, seeing as we are all busy bees, to document our work place. This could be in an office or home...wherever you keep busy.

Although there are down sides to working from that I'm always at work, I do love working from home and couldn't imagine it any other way now. It has been 15 years after all. 
I hope you come and check out the challenge blog post.
I do have my own Lollipop Community Chat Group here if you wanted to join. Everyone is welcome. It's such a friendly place and so so many talented creative people that share their work daily. Come and join us here. 
Thanks for stopping by today.
Lisa xxx

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Creative Journaling - Planning a Trip

We are on serious countdown now.
Almost time for our trip.

I decided to try something different before this trip.
I'm documenting before the trip, journaling a little about our trip planning.

And I'm setting up some pages ready for when we return so that all I need to do is print photos and journal.

I have a video here if you would like to see the process.
It's fun creating the before and after stuff!!

Have a great day.
Lisa x

Sunday 17 June 2018

Florida Trip - Shopping Before We Go

For all you Orlando trip planners. Here is a planning video for you.
A shopping trip to show you what & where we buy our essentials before we head off.
Here is the video.

I hope this helps : )

Thursday 14 June 2018

Creative Journaling Challenge Using Stencils & Brusho

I've been busy creating in my Traveler's Notebook.
I've set a journaling challenge over in my chat group here (everyone is welcome to join)
The challenge is to journal about the best people you know.
I've journaled about my Mum and sister. They are both such caring and thoughtful people.
 They do so much for others.  
I've used the June Lollipop Box Club Kit here on this double page.
I used the stencil from the kit along with Brusho for the first time and I chat more about my Mum and my sister.
I hope you enjoy.
Thanks xx 

Tuesday 12 June 2018

A Beachy Process Video

I have a new 12x12 process video on my YouTube channel today.

I'm using the new June Cocoa Daisy kit which is very beachy themed.
We aren't really a beachy family, so I've used this kit to document a day at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon which is a water park. So almost beachy : ) 
Here is the finished layout which includes some hidden journaling, stencils and inks.
Enjoy xx

Sunday 10 June 2018

How We Save For Disneyworld - Tips & Tricks

A question I get asked all the time.
How we save for Disneyworld. This is a video I've been meaning to put together for quite some time and now it's finally here. 14 Tips & Tricks.
I hope it helps : )

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Postive Journaling Challenge

Hi there!!
I'm blaming my latest pages in my Travelers Notebook on those super large letters.
This whole process was not planned and took a real twist.
I admit....I hate being in my 40's. It bothers me. I've always been the little cute one. I'm 4ft10, I'm silly, I love Disney, I play pranks on people, I braid my can I be in my 40's???
But then it got me thinking ….actually quite abit of my 30's were pretty pants to be honest.
If I really think about it, these past 3 years are probably the happiest I've ever been.
So why should I hate being in my 40's??
I talk about the troubles in my video here a little from my 30's.   

So then I decided to do a page about the good stuff right now.
I used to always do a 12x12 page around the time of my birthday, but I haven't done that the past few years. So it's about time really.
But I decided to focus this page on all the good stuff that's in my life.
It's so easy to get caught up on the crap.
Here's what I journaled.

So I challenge you.... Why don't you journal or scrapbook about the good stuff in your life right now.
It makes you feel good.
I do have a little chat group on Facebook which you can find here. Please feel free to join. You don't have to purchase my kits to join in. It's a super friendly place full of daily inspiration. Come and share your Positive Journaling.
I hope this inspires you.
Have a wonderful day.
Lisa xx

Friday 1 June 2018

Are You a Carefree Scrapbooker????

Today I'm on the Cocoa Daisy blog here.
I tend to just get on with creating. I'm generally not one to procrastinate and take hours.
I have a mission and I get on with it.

Over at Cocoa Daisy I chat and share tips in how this page took me minutes. 

How long does an average page take you to create?

Have a fab Friday!!!

Lisa x

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Why I Love My Traveler's Notbooks

Hi, I'm finding myself reaching for my traveler's notebooks over my 12x12's more and more recently.
I have a new blog post up today over a Papermaze which you can read here

I've explained a little what they are and how they work and then I go on to create a couple of pages inside the notebook.

I also have a video here chatting a little more about Traveler's Notebooks and how they are working for me.

If you have any questions about working in Traveler's Notebooks, please do ask.
Thanks so much,

Lisa xx

Sunday 4 February 2018

Surprising Dad at the Airport

Hi, today I haven't a different kind of video to share.
My Dad lives in the US and visits us each year. This time I decided to video our adventures.
My family always comes and stays with us and we just laugh the whole time.

This video we surprise Dad at the airport.
You can watch the video here.

Have a great day xx

Thursday 1 February 2018

Do You Love Happy Mail?

My February 2018 Lollipop Box Club Kit has gone on sale today.
There's just something about a little box of joy arriving and brightening up your day.
And there's a private chat group here for all things crafty and planning related too.
Come and join us. 
Lisa xx

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Traditional Scrapbooking with a Twist

I love scrapbooking and I love making mini books. Today I am combining the two.

Using my January Cocoa Daisy kit, I've created this traditional 12x12 page and added little mini books so I could add extra photos and journaling.

I have a video here for you so you can watch how this was made.
I hope you enjoy.

Lisa x

Monday 29 January 2018

Remember When.... Mini Book


I have a video and a Mini Book for you today.
I do love making Mini Books. I have created goodness knows how many over the years.

This Mini Book has been made using the January Lollipop Box Club Kit for my Son's 16th Birthday.

I was printing off photos and thinking in my head ....Remember when you first went to Disney and Remember when you met a Power Ranger etc... which is why it was named 'Remember When'.
It's really easy to make and can hold as many photos as you would like.
If you would like to see this book being made, please see my video here.
Thanks so much,
Have a great Monday
Lisa xx


Tuesday 23 January 2018

Getting Creative & Doodly with Stamps

I hope your year has gotten of to a great start.

I wanted to share with you a 12x12 scrapbooking page that I created with this month's Cocoa Daisy kit.

As the title of this blog post says. I got all 'creative and doodly' with one of the stamps from this month's kit.
Sometimes you love a stamp, but then an idea strikes you. This is what happened to me this month.

The stamp was this sweet cloud with rain coming down ending with heart shaped droplets coming off. CUTE!! Well it was cute until I got my scissors to it and cut it in half **insert evil wicked stepmother laugh**. I saw the cloud and instantly wanted to use it as a border, so this meant cutting off the rain part.
I prepared my area that I wanted to stamp the border around.
And once the paint was dry, I stamped over and over creating that border that you can see. It wasn't quite as bold as I would have liked, so I went over with a black pen, repeating it a couple of times to give it that doodled look which I'm a big fan of.
I wrote in the 'US' bit and used the 'I Love...' stamp from the same set. Again going over with pen.
And I continued all the way around. The 'Documented' is also from the stamp set.
I'm really pleased with how this came out. I do love to doodle!!
And don't feel sad for the stamp, it can always be pieced together again on my acrylic stamp block if ever I feel the need to use it as it was intended.
Sometimes it's fun though to take something and do you own thing as I did here.
I hope you enjoyed these tips.
Have a doodilicious day.
Lisa xx   


Thursday 4 January 2018

A Girl's Shopping Road Trip to Boston

oooohhhhh look at me!! 3 days blogging in a row!!!

I took a girls trip to the US in November. We had such a great time!!
Our friend Debi moved to New Boston in New Hampshire last year from the UK and she's living the dream!!
Myself, Lisa and Cheryl went out to visit her.
There was shopping, there were cocktails, a little more shopping, lots of food, more shopping, some sightseeing and even more shopping.    

Can you see why now that I named this trip a 'Girl's Shopping Roadtrip'?

I did video the whole trip...the shopping of course, the eating, the giggles and the sight seeing.
You can see our adventures here on my YouTube channel
I lost my voice part way through the trip though. I always seem to get sick when I take a break from work!!
Anyway, I've just posted the final video of the trip, so if you fancy grabbing a cuppa, you can sit back and watch. Just click the link above.

I hope you enjoy xxx

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Time to Simplify - with video link

Today I am scrapbooking with my December Cocoa Daisy Kit.
I showed you my journal page yesterday with my word of the year 'simplify'.
Today I am documenting this for my 12x12 scrapbook album.

I have a video that you can watch here of this page being made along with tips using a stencil and how I created this easy title here.

I've gone photo free so that the emphasis really is on the word.
And here is the finished page.
I hope you enjoy the video.
See you soon xxx

Tuesday 2 January 2018

My 2018 'WORD'

Happy 2018 to you!!

I know I failed miserably at keeping up this blog last year, but I would really like to give it another go.
I have my business blog here for Lollipop Box Club and I blog for Cocoa Daisy and Simple Stories and there's my YouTube channel too.
So I figured my personal blog would be a kind of place to link it all up together.
Plus I feel like this is 'my' space and I can be less formal and just me if that makes sense?
That's the plan anyway. I'm going to try and discipline myself to do this space.

I do hope you've had a good Christmas and New Year. It's always over so fast isn't it?!
I feel ready for normality though. The kids saying that are home for another week so I may just have to hold fire on gaining any normality just yet.

So, my word for 2018.
I like to pick a word each year to reflect upon and help my life to improve by.
I don't do resolutions, these just go out the window for me, but I do find having that word does actually make a different to me and it does stay with me.

Here's this year's.



A word I really need to focus on.
I have more details about this, why I picked it and how I want it to work for me on the Lollipop blog today along with how I created this journal page here

And if anyone still reads this blog or has just found it, 'Hi'!!  Please stop and say 'Hi'.
It would be lovely to know that I'm not just chatting along to myself : )

Thank you and have a fab Tuesday.

Lisa xxx