
Wednesday 23 April 2008

Three Peas

I finished this LO at the weekend and forgot to add it here. It's a piccie I've been wanted to scrap for a little while little sister and brother and me : ) We don't all get together that often, although I'm really pleased to say that Sarah-Jane and I have become really close this last 18months or so. It often amazes me that we come from the same parents but we are all so different. Sarah-Jane's the loud, crazy one, always makes everyone laugh....everyone loves her and she's so much fun. Gareth....bit scary really, tatoos, piercings 'n' all that, but despite the appearence and terrible attitude at times, he's very soft really and there's me. I would class me as the 'normal' one I guess. Quiet compared to them, more sensitive, lead a happy and steady life and abit boring I guess : )
Still glad I'm me though......and wouldn't swap either of them too. xx


  1. Another good 'un, and I just love the little peapod!!

  2. That is gorgeous, I especially love the little peapod with the buttons in it!

  3. these are so lovely hun, really cute blog xxxxx

  4. This is great. Mind you I bet each of you think you are 'the normal one' ha ha
