
Wednesday 30 July 2008

Feeling Distressed this week.....

Well.....Emma has asked the sassy crafts design team to come up with distressed ideas this week.Here is my first offering.
To make this card I've used the Fleuriste papers from Cosmo Cricket and also one the little tags that is in the 8x8 pad. I've distressed the edges by rubbing along the blade of my metal scissors, inking and using white paint. The large flower is from Junkitz and the ribbons from 3 bugs in a rug. I've also frayed the ends of the ribbons to give another distressed look. All bought from Sassy Crafts.
I haven't actually felt stressed at all this week, but really enjoying the kids summer hols so far. It's just a struggle to craft when they are home...but not complaining : )

I did actually use a recipe on Just Bex(
to make up this card. Nicky set a challenge last week to use 2 scalloped edges, a length of ribbon and 3 buttons.

My little sis is expecting baby number 3 in September, so I though I would give her this card when baby is born with some gift vouchers just for her (not for baby) xx

Sunday 20 July 2008

This Month Last Month...

Not bad, blogged twice today already and it's not quite half noon.

I've just thrown this LO together, it kind of just happened on the way to making the family breakfast earlier. Louis was sat on my lap at the pc and we were looking at photos, printed this one off. Just as we were leaving the room together I opened this months scrapagogos kit box and remembered the new challenge. ' This Month, Last Month'. Basically make a LO with this months kits using a few left overs from last months kit.
So I quickly laid the photo on a 12x12 piece from last month, laid various pieces from each kit over the top and then made breakie.........then after it was all cleared up, I've quickly stuck it all down and added the journaling.....if only they were all that quick and easy : ) xx

Sunny Sunday????

I think that's wishful thinking here in the UK.....Dull and overcast more like...hey-ho, at least it's not raining yet. (positive thinking 'n' all that)

I went to bed in a foul mood last night. I'm hoping having gotten up early before everyone this morning, had a latte in peace and a play on my blog (do you like the new look?) and a spot of blog hopping too has helped get me off to a good start today.
The kids drove me potty yesterday and the sad thing is, I barely saw them : (
It started off with messing at the breakfast table, which saw Hollie's rice crispies all over the kitchen table, floor and her...not a good start!!!!
They were out all day as Saturdays are work days for me, so Ade and I planned we'd go for a walk with Poppy-dog when they got home and then we'd have afamily wii night.
Louis felt sick when he got in, so just Ade ended up walking Poppy and the wii night turned into upset, whinging and crying from Hollie each time she didn't win !!!!!! : (

Anyway today a new day, I hope they wake up feeling happier.
To remind me of them being happy, here's a LO I made at mine and Nicky's recent crop weekend.

A bit of yummy scenice route going on here .
Have a happy Sunday xxxx

Saturday 19 July 2008

My First Cocoa Daisy Kit first Cocoa Daisy kit arrived yesterday, really chuffed !!! There are some fabby bits and pieces in there : ) I've been thinking about getting this kit for a while. Nicky is always saying how great it is and I saw her's when we were visiting a couple of months ago and was very impressed, so I've finally decided to subscribe.

Whilst blog hopping last night for a bit, I was on this blog that Nicky recently introduced me to:
I decided to join in on the challenge 'What If'......put the word 'If' into your title.
Seeing as Nicky introduced both the new kit and this blog to me and after spending a fabby weekend crop with Nicky earlier this month, I decided my LO was going to be about being friends with Nicky.

I've known Nicky from Craft Forums for a couple of years now and we finally met last year at legoland with our families and since then we've managed to meet up a few times, with families and also a couple of times just us for crafty (scrapping) get togethers. Eventhough we really do live miles and miles apart, Nicky is a really good friend. xx

Wednesday 16 July 2008

A Sassy Starbucks Card

I've just set this card as a challenge over on the Just Bex forum.
It's all about finding inspiration for a project in a place you wouldn't usually even think about making cards.
Mine came from whilst standing in a very long queue in Starbucks. There were loads of shelves of bags of coffee, all in different colours, but the same I went back, scribbled a sketch and have now made this card.
All the stash to make this card comes from Sassy Crafts.....the big blooms are by Junkitz
the papers, cosmo cricket
stickers from Basic Grey (
and the stamp is here (

Tuesday 15 July 2008

My Girl

This is my girl....she's abit bonkers most of the time, but in a nice way.
These photos were taken at a farm a couple of years ago. She got very attached to this little bike and just didn't want to get off. I finally got around to scrapping these at the weekend crop I went to earlier this month.

The papers and stickers are Basic Grey - Sugared. My fave papers at the moment, so much so I own 2 packs : )
Sassy Crafts have them discounted at the moment, take a look :

Blooming Gorgeous !!!!!

I missed my first sketch last week from the 2 sketches 4 u : ( Just could not find the time, so this week I've made sure I've managed to get it done.

I've used Scenic route papers and small flower stamp, Autumn Leaves large flower stamp and Cosmo Cricket background paper and berisfords spotty ribbon xx

Monday 14 July 2008

What a busy week !!!!

Wow, it's been a busy week !!!
I haven't even photographed the rest of my stuff from the crop yet : (
We had Hollie's 9th birthday on wednesday, so were busy then and then she had a sleepover party Friday night followed by a crop on Saturday and a cheerleading exam yesterday. She passed with honours, bless her : )

Anyway.....this week it's me behind the challenges on Just Bex. I feel so sad that I haven't been taking part this last couple of weeks as much as usual. I have such a list to catch up with now.
So this is my challenge today...........quite simple.......Right now, I'm loving lace, so use some lace somewhere on your cards or LO's this week. xx

Monday 7 July 2008

My Crop Weekend

What a weekend !!!!!!! It was the Runways End weekend crop. My first ever weekend crop.
My favourite scrap buddie Nicky Noo joined me and we got there Saturday 9am and left Sunday 4pm with only 3 hours sleep .....lets just say I'm still recovering. I fell asleep at 8pm last night and slept through til 7am this morning. We had such a laugh though.
I can't wait to crop with Nicky again. I really feel like I've found the perfect scrap partner, someone who I feel so comfortable and myself with, someone who I can have a good laugh with and someone who inspires me so much and we really do seem to bounce off each other, the ideas just keep coming, it's fab !!!
And after all that I produced 7 LO's and 3 mini books, not bad eh?!!
I won't blog them all at once, simply as I don't have the time right night. But here is one that I had in mind for Est's 'Green' challenge on Just Bex.

This is using Love Elsie's Forest collection, some MM noteworthy and some Scenic route. Along with rusty pickle buttons, American Crafts Thickers and my new Stamps away butterfly.
And this one was a scraplift that both Nicky and I did. We worked from the same LO in a magazine. I wanted to do a special LO about my special Nanny, because I love her so much.
I've used my favourite papers right now, Basic Grey Sugared. A touch of MM noteworthy, primas , rusty pickle buttons and the corrigated card was torn from a 12x12 pizza boxm stripped and inked : ) rather chuffed with that result.
And to finish tonight off, before another early night, here are my prizes I won at the lucky am I??????????????????? xx

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Julie & Dunc's Xmas Card (warning not look!!!)

How well organised am I this year eh????????!!!!
Well, do not be fooled, this is just down to the DCM dare this week, I promise you, no more Christmas cards will be following in the very near future.
This weeks challenge, incase you didn't guess is to make a crimbo card.

To be honest, I was going to skip this weeks challenge, I don't like making these cards even in the correct season, but during a bedtime reading session I got the complete inspiration from my Autumn Leaves 'Freestyle' book and lifted this idea.
It's just perfect for my lovely friend Julie and her hubby Dunc who is in the army. They've got to be one of the nuttiest couples I know.
To top it off, Nicky has a challenge using arrows on Just Bex this week, so this one will fit in nicely now. xx

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Laura's Sketch 3

It's that time of week again when the girls at '2 sketches 4 you' launch their sketch.
The cards shown on that blog are amazing, I love looking through them.
I'm usually done by the end of the week, but made this one on the first day.

Ade's mum wanted a card mkade for her neighbours her are getting married on Saturday.
But I don't think Ade likes it : ( he said it's the cam anyone not like basic grey sugared????!!! xx

Poppy - Dog

I can't believe we have a pup !!!
Although having grown up with dogs (and goodness knows how many other pets) and both my parents have dogs, until recently I could never see us with one.
I don't know how we came to talk about it, but it's been something we've been thinking about for a few months now. Having read up loads and chatted to other dog owners we decided a king charles was perfect for our family.
With all the chatting that was as far as it got, so I rang a breeder on Saturday morning, we drove up to Oxford in the evening and bought little poppy-dog home.
She's 12 weeks today and very sweet. Her sweet and calm nature really shone out over the rest and see her chasing after the kids in the garden was a help to choose too. far so good is all I will say. I don't want to tempt fate : )