
Sunday, 20 July 2008

Sunny Sunday????

I think that's wishful thinking here in the UK.....Dull and overcast more like...hey-ho, at least it's not raining yet. (positive thinking 'n' all that)

I went to bed in a foul mood last night. I'm hoping having gotten up early before everyone this morning, had a latte in peace and a play on my blog (do you like the new look?) and a spot of blog hopping too has helped get me off to a good start today.
The kids drove me potty yesterday and the sad thing is, I barely saw them : (
It started off with messing at the breakfast table, which saw Hollie's rice crispies all over the kitchen table, floor and her...not a good start!!!!
They were out all day as Saturdays are work days for me, so Ade and I planned we'd go for a walk with Poppy-dog when they got home and then we'd have afamily wii night.
Louis felt sick when he got in, so just Ade ended up walking Poppy and the wii night turned into upset, whinging and crying from Hollie each time she didn't win !!!!!! : (

Anyway today a new day, I hope they wake up feeling happier.
To remind me of them being happy, here's a LO I made at mine and Nicky's recent crop weekend.

A bit of yummy scenice route going on here .
Have a happy Sunday xxxx


  1. Hi there...I understand completely. We're celebrating my daughters 6th birthday today...we rented an outdoor playground...and's raining. So the party is going to be at our house...and with cleaning and preparing we spent the last few days.
    Hope your day is going well!
    Greetings from Austria!

  2. Am loving the new look blog!

    Sorry you had such a crappy day (hugs)

    Loving that LO - gorgeous piccies!

  3. Lovely fun LO. Hope you're having a better day today - great new look here.
