
Saturday 30 August 2008

Rustic Hearts

It's time to say goodbye to Sarah. Sarah has worked for me for the last 3 years during her university holidays. She's been so reliable and helpful, a real Godsend. She now moves in to her own flat with her boyfriend that she met at Uni today. Their first home together. I hope they will be very happy together.
I made Sarah & Olly this home warming card and bought these gorgeous teatowels as a little house warmer.
I used the fab sketch over at :
Laura from 2 sketches 4u has a birthday this happy birthday Laura : )
love lisa xx

Thursday 28 August 2008

All things Bright and Beautiful.....

I've been so colourful with my creations lately....I love being surrounded by all this colour. When I finish a LO I blue tack it up in my studio for a few days and they get replaced as I make new ones and then get put into the appropriate album.
This latest one is of my little sis and I. We've grown so close these last couple of years. We got separated when she was 12 and I was 17 due to parents split. And for the first time I think not only do I have a sister, but I have a best friend.

This LO is a scraplift from one of Elsie Flannigans. I love the mix of papers and ribbons behind the photo.
I used a mix of Sassafras, love elsie ribbons, scenic route and some stash bits too.

My next LO that I finished yesterday is the first challenge I've taken part in on Uk Scrappers.
It's the weekly challenge for this week. A recipe challenge. Bit of a toughie, here's the recipe:

Something Royal - my title and crown
Something yellow - the swirls in the background
Use Circles - My scalloped edge has a cicular effect and I cut a blue circle to stick my journal card onto.
Use some shine - bling on the crown
and something new - My journal tag (part of my latest October Afternoon kit that I hadn't delved into unto now)

Apart from the journal tag, everything else is from an older Scrapagogo kit.

Right, need to crack on with some work til 3pm and have huge amounts to do. xx

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Fish Face

I love this LO of Louis, so fascinated by the fish face he was holding (we tend to call it bait).
The fact that we caught no crabs this day didn't matter as he had his fish face.


Saturday 23 August 2008

Just a quickie !!!!

Story of my life these day....why do I never have enough time to do things leaisurely???!!!
Anyway, made a quick thank you card for my friend Amanda who looked after Hollie on Tuesday following Louis's op.
I've used this sketch from the Scrapagpgo blog :
and used all scrapagogo bits to make it.

What a week........

It's not been the best week. Louis got taken into hospital with appendicitus early hours Monday and had surgery on Tuesday. Thankfully he well and truely on the mend now, just has to take it easy for the next few weeks.

I've managed a bit of crafting this morning. Well I finished this card today that I started last night.
It's another fab sketch from my fave sketch blog :

I don't usually make clients cards, but I really like Emma and we've chatted loads. So thought I'd make her and hubby a card to wish them well in a couple of weeks.

Nicky launched a challenge on Jb last night to make something using rik rak, so here is a LO I've just made.
This is Poppy on her first proper walk back in July.
This is made using Scrapagogo bits. xx

Sunday 17 August 2008

Last 2 of the day.....

I am on a mega roll much crafty stuff been made : )

This weeks challenge on Sassy Crafts was to make a card with no stamping involved.
I have to confess to this challenge being a nice one for me as I'm really not big into stamping.

So here we have Dream Street papers ( Junkitz blooms ( and I made the flower centre from a card board box cut into a circle and a dovecraft brad.I've handcut a heart and written on : You make this world Blooming Wonderful. xx

And my last card today is made from a challenge on Scrapagogo again.
These papers are from this months kit. The little birdie wings are all flocked...very sweet xx

He said ......

oooohhhh I've just finished my second challenge over on Scrapagogo

It was a downloaded class using a stamp that came in this months kit. The idea is to creat a fancy edge....stamp around, go over in pen and then with a cropadile, hole a few of the circles randomly. I love the effect it gives

This paper is rather busy, but all the circles of the paper and stamp made me think of the 'boncin' berry ride that Louis and I went on at Chessington on Friday.
I just loved his little comment : )
All bits are from various Scrapagogo kits : ) xx

She likes to ride her bicycle

I've taken part in my first challenge over on Scrapagogo.
They are celebrating 3 yrs, so lots going on over on their blog.
So I thought I'd join in.
The first challenge is a sketch.....
I've scrapped Hollie riding her bike in Center parcs. She did so well, I was really surprised.
I've used a couple of bits from this months kit and added the cardstock and lace cardstock (which I've chalked) from previous kits.


Saturday 16 August 2008

My first Scrapjacked challenge

I've been very busy this morning and have printed off the photos already from Hollie's special zoo day yesterday to scrap.

I've had my eye on this fab challenge blog called 'Scrapjacked' for a while now. I just love the girls work, it's so inspirational.
I've taken part in a challenge of their's this week for the first time. Here is my LO.

The LO is full of hidden jornal tags telling info all about hollie's day yesterday.
Thanks for looking xx

Our Junior Zoo Keeper

Hollie turned 9 in July this year. We decided to treat her to a Junior Zoo keeper for a day at Chessington Zoo rather than having a big birthday party.
She had her day yesterday. We were so lucky with the weather : )
We didn't stay with her all the time as she started before the park was open, but we did get to meet up with her for a couple of piccies.
This is a binatong. She was born at the beginning of the year at the zoo. The first to born in the UK for 10 years.
These are the Capybaras (huge guinea pigs) soooo cute !!!
Hollie playing chase with Stig.
And preparing food
She also got to do lots of cleaning out and also got to feed the meercats, hold a skunk, hold ferrets
and lots more.
Hollie's favorite animals are the Leopards. Mummy leopard had triplets in June. We were lucky enough to see 1 with her and mummy then picked up little cub and walked her back to the den in her mouth.....louis thought cub was being eaten.
We had a great day and Hollie loved it xx

All Sorted !!

I've got up very early this morning to have a good sort out.
I have to confess, that I did forget the before photos, so you have to take my word that it really did need doing.But I'm proud to say my ribbon shelves are now all tidy.

All the ribbons had fallen down the back, colours had become mixed and half unrolled, hanging all over the place. Everytime I took one out, more would fall over.Feels such a relief to get that job done.

And then my second job ..... I relabled my drawers. I did this a couple of years ago and most of the labels had come off or I changed the use of the drawers and hadn't updated the now they look like this.

I'm so much happier this is all done now :D xx

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Twice in one day!!

I've been really struggling to craft lately with working and looking after the kids during school holidays...but I've completed 2 challenges today...yay!!

This is a sketch from my fave sketch blog -
I've missed not being able to take part these last couple of weeks.

I've made a pocket for a gift card to slip inside.

Great sketch this week Laura xx

A Sassy Crafts Challenge

Emma set us a receipe challenge last Wednesday. We were to use the following:
1 scalloped edge, 2 flowers, 1 piece of ribbon, 2 brads, 1 circle and 2 squares.
I chose to scrap a piccie I took of hollie with her friends at her sleepover crop for her 9th birthday last month.

I've used Basic Grey Sultry papers, I've struggled with these in the past and have decided the best way for me to like & use these is to do so sparingly. So I've hacked away at them and rather like them now : ) xx

Monday 11 August 2008

Summer Lovin'

ooohhhhh don't you just love the English Summers????????!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We really don't ask for much, do we??..... a few dry days in a row and tempuratures of early to mid 20's would be perfectly acceptable, that to me really does not sound unreasonable.

These photos were taken the first weekend in August, just a few days ago. My little sis came to stay with the kiddies and we had my friend's boys over too. 6 kids in the house !! So we dodged the rain showers, got booted up and headed out for a very long walk. We love taking the kids to the common for walks and just watching the planes at our little local airport. We are so lucky to live here.
Looking at this LO though you really would not think it was August . We all had a great time anyway and did manage to stay dry : )
I dicided to team my not so sunny and bright photos up with the most gorgeous and cheery papers from the lovely Sassa Fras....brightens up any dreary day in my opionion. xx

Tuesday 5 August 2008

A Loving Touch.....

We've just had such a lovely weekend. My little sister came to visit us on Friday with her family and stayed until Sunday. We've done a couple of woody walks, a trip to the cinema and a visit to the coast too.
I took this photo Saturday evening in the woods. We were all stood watching the kids play around the trees. Sarah-Jane and Ben were just stood there, saying nothing, it was such a beautiful moment between them. My journaling reads:

A Loving Touch: Stood there in a world of your own.Neither of you saying anything. But sometimes you really don't need words...sarah-jane & ben, 7 weeks to go xx

I've used Sue's template that she launched as a challenge on Just Bex today. xx