
Saturday 23 August 2008

What a week........

It's not been the best week. Louis got taken into hospital with appendicitus early hours Monday and had surgery on Tuesday. Thankfully he well and truely on the mend now, just has to take it easy for the next few weeks.

I've managed a bit of crafting this morning. Well I finished this card today that I started last night.
It's another fab sketch from my fave sketch blog :

I don't usually make clients cards, but I really like Emma and we've chatted loads. So thought I'd make her and hubby a card to wish them well in a couple of weeks.

Nicky launched a challenge on Jb last night to make something using rik rak, so here is a LO I've just made.
This is Poppy on her first proper walk back in July.
This is made using Scrapagogo bits. xx


  1. Love your LO, cute piccie too! And great card, love your use of the MM jouralling page x

  2. Fabulous card for the sketch Lisa and hope your little boy is on the mend...lots of hugs and a bit of spoiling should do the trick
    have a great weekend

  3. Wow Lisa all you work is gorgeous but I especially like the card you did for 2S4Y this week - it really turned out fabulous :)

  4. lovely card love the colours
