
Saturday, 25 October 2008

My 'One Little Word' - Imagine

With the arrival of the new Cocoa Daisy kit and a new challenge on 'One little word' I finally managed to scrap this cheesy photo of Hollie and Louis.
The word this week is.....'Imagine':
For me, I just couldn't imagine these two not having each other. I'm so glad Hollie isn't an only child. They love each other so much. They are so lucky to have eachother.
Something I learnt from Steph (nerdbird) this week. If you are not happy with the materials you have alter them. Now I'm used to altering chipboard and stuff that's meant to be altered, but she changes everything. It was really interesting watching her scrap on Thursday and just getting the pens etc to just about anything : ) So, thanks to you black foam thickers have been painted pink : )

and the soppy journaling : )
So, this is the third LO I've now made with my Cocoa Dasiy kit since it arrived on Wednesday.....not bad eh??!! xxx


  1. aww that's really gorgeous Lis.

  2. You're really on a roll, Lis - the LO is beautiful - made me smile and also bought tears to my eyes. Love the pink letters.

  3. This is so fab, Lis, I love the paint background, subtle but really adds to it. Such a cute pic, and I love your journalling xx

  4. Gorgeous layout Lisa and beautiful journalling. I love everything about it.

  5. That's fab! I love the heart around the centre of the photo.

  6. Love your layout for OLW! Awesome picture too!

  7. Thats beautiful - love everything about it.

    Thanks for the kind words - you taught me loads too - I have done a LO with corragate card!

    Looking foward to next time!

  8. That's a beautiful LO, it looks really pretty and delicate with the heart flowers :o)
