
Thursday, 22 January 2009

Confessions of a guilty mother....

When this LO was in the planning, it made me chuckle. Now it's made I'm feeling a touch guilty.
I need to sort my photos out, I'm doing such a bad job lately.

(click this photo to enlarge and read my guilty story)
He really does moan though when he's cold. Not once or twice and now and then.....the whole time. This way, he's warm and happy and that makes the rest of us happy. So for the next few however many years, Louis can believe that all men wear tights under their trousers to keep warm.
I had planned to do a LO about this and took this photo purposely as we got in from a frosty walk over Christmas. Louis was so innocently running around like this after taking his jeans off and it just made me will not admit when you are 16 that you used to wear tights.
But he does look so funny and cute in them : )
Sue then launched a 'Bright and Cheerful' challenge on Just Bex this week:
So I decided it was time I created this LO and would make it Bright and Cheerful : )
ps....I shall keep this LO quiet until Louis hits 16 : )


  1. Oh Lis, that really has had me laughing!!! Great LO. x

  2. Lis, you are a cruel mother. How could you deceive your darling son so meanly??????

    PMSL, SO funny, how fab to have done a LO about it!! Love it xx


    have you shared it with HIM!!! I think I will

    and YOU laughed at Dans hat when your own son wears tights OMG!!!


  4. Poor Louis he doesn't know what's in store when he hits 16 ...... isn't it great when us mothers can get our own back! :)

    P.S. Love the layout x

  5. Fab Lisa.
    Not sure if that is genious parenting or just wicked though :)

    Love Bex

  6. LOL, poor Louis!
    I think its good to tell a white lie to keep him warm. :)
    Great LO.

  7. This is really cute, it made me chuckle! Great LO

  8. But you know Lis you are not THAT far off the mark - some builders.....need I say more and yes I know one and no I am not married to him and no he is not that way inclined either....
