
Monday 23 February 2009

Colorcombo #110

Well, it's been a funny old week. Kids had the lurgie, then Ade and I went to the New Forest...alone for 3 days. I booked a suite in a lovely old country hotel/spa....and got sick. How typical is that !!! We still had a lovely time though. We got home on Thursday and Ade got sick and then Louis got sick again yesterday. I'm so fed up with germs : (

I've still managed to fit in some craft time. My wekitunot stuff has been made and sent off, I've made a sassy crafts project, made the Just Bex challenge samples for this week and have made this LO today for the last colourcombo challenge here . My absolute fave challenge blog.

The colours were pale aqua, cream,orange and yellow. I've used sassafras, October afternoon and some nik naks from a scarletlime kit.

Hollie has had an inset day today and all day long we've been making our maya road chipboard house. It comes with a mini book too. We've had so fun much. I'll photograph and show tomorrow.
Off to bath kids now xx


  1. gorgeous LO the colours work so well

  2. What a lovely layout. Sorry to hear that you have all been poorly bad :(

  3. wow Lissa, this is fab - I love those ice-cream colours and the layout is brilliant
