
Monday 19 October 2009

Bitten by the Bug

I just can't stop scrappin' again. After a busy summer with not much time for 'me' I've definitely got the bug again and find myself with a couple of LO's on the go constantly.

I had a lovely surprise on Friday when my Scarletlime kit arrived. It's never come this early in the month before. Naturally I cut straight into it and made the LO above.
It's the new challenge from Butterfly Crafts. 3 of my fave scrappy friends made the DT last month, Claire, Fay and Elina, so I can see myself doing more of these challenges now to support them.
The challenge is to scrap your life changing moment. I've scrapped my time just before I married Ade.

And here are 2 of the LO's that I made whilst on my scrappy weekend with the girls at the beggining of the month using last months Scarletlime kit.

Hollie is wanting more and more indepence these days. Silly little things like when we went to a packed Mcdonalds back in the May half term with my sis and her lot, we found a table for 2 at the window and let the 2 girls eat there whilst the rest of us sat on the ground outside. Now we were right there by them with the window between us, but this made them feel very grown up
: )

The novelty still hasn't worn off with my two being at the same school. I love it. Life feels so much easier now. No rushing from school to school, no more sitting in traffic, no more desperatley trying to find a non existing parking space, no more pinking Hollie up late from school everyday as Louis was let out late and it was impossible to get to Hollie in 5mins, no more 1 hr long stressed out school is bliss. We are walking most days and it feels good : )
Here they are on their first day together.

It's been quite a peaceful weekend. Managed to get lots of sorting out done going through all my old kits. The kids thought they were in craft heaven. They were like little vulchers taking bits of papers, ribbons etc and ended up making some LO's themselves yesterday.

My Dad's arriving on Saturday from USA. It's been over a year since I last saw him, so lots of organising and preparing this week. I'm going to have my little brother, sister, her hubby and their 3 kids all staying with us for the I crazy : )


  1. Absolutely great pages, as always!! Love all of the details and embellies on each of them!

  2. lovely lo's! Love the one of you and the kids before the wedding, great use of the kit

  3. Your wedding LO is absolutely gorgeous, perfect for the challenge. Love to see you scrapping loads

  4. Gorgeous layouts, I love them all! Great paint effects too.

  5. Gorgeous pages! The wedding one is spectacular. Really luv how you use paint in your LOs. Have fun when your dad is here!

  6. Wow, the wedding page is just beautiful! I love the photo :o) And the others too of course, love the school pic! x

  7. The wedding LO is just stunning! I may have to lift it! And you know I love the other ones xxx

  8. Lisa, I love your wedding LO, completely gorgeous. And the other 2 are fab too of course, but I've seen those before! :)

  9. great layouts!! Have a great visit with your family

  10. AMAZING Lis I love them all - especially the wedding day - helps that you scrub up well!! LOL

    I love how you use the paint so flippin' clever

  11. AMAZING Lis I love them all - especially the wedding day - helps that you scrub up well!! LOL

    I love how you use the paint so flippin' clever


  12. I was smiling all the way through this post. It is full of happy news and fantastic LO's. I adore the I do one at the top. I know I dont know you but I am so happy that life seems to be falling into place for you right now. Enjoy it!!!!!!! x
