
Monday 9 November 2009

A Brand New Week

After a sad week last week and a busy weekend it feels good to start a new week. No huge plans except for going to watch Hollie perform with the school choir at The Royal Albert Hall on Wednesday.

I forgot all about the above LO I made last month. Another scrap lift contest at Cocoa Daisy.
I love doing these speedy LO's. I say I don't like working under pressure, but I often produce my fave LO's when I do.
A bit of spray misting and some photos from a fun afternoon at Richmond Park back in August. Seems like such a long time ago now.

Have a Happy Monday xx


  1. wow The Royal Albert Hall, bet that was an experience for her!

  2. Love the LO Lisa, the spray misting looks awesome! Good luck to Hollie :)

  3. Absolutely gorgeous layout Lisa!!!! love love love it!
