
Friday 19 February 2010

Day 7 - Islands of Adventure

This was our day at Islands of Adventure. A Universal Park. It was our favourite park last time and a fave again this time too.

Since watching The Grinch at Christmas the kids have been crazy about him. They really love the Dr Suess stories.
They couldn't wait to meet The Grinch, Louis bought this Grinch hat espcially for this meeting and its hardly left his head since.

The Marvel Super Heroes are always a great part of this park. I love it when the sirens start and the music begins ready for their arrival.

Jurassic park is one of our fave places in this park. Unfortunately though the 2 dinosaur rides were closed though. Louis was so upset.
We did enjoy the big play area here though which involved climbling through these netted tunnels. We only lost the kids once!!

Click the little triangle to view the video.
We are all having a great time and enjoying the sunshine xx

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