
Friday 12 March 2010

Friday Already

Where did this week go? It's just flewn by?
Just a quick post as I've got to go get ready for school and still have lunches to make. Bah!
Above is a sketch from Creative Scrappers and below is my take.

Not quite like the sketch, but isn't that the whole fun of a sketch?

And here's Mum's Mother's Day card.
It make me think of Kit Kats. So there's a Kit Kat and teabag inside too.
Every Mum likes to sit down with a cuppa and choccie, don't they?!

One last thing, have you been over to Butterfly Crafts? Don't forget the challenge from the beginning of the month. The recipe challenge. There's a prize up for grabs. Visit here for details.
The next challenge goes live on Sunday. run here I come.
TFL xxx


  1. Really good idea with the card! Wish I had thought of that. Like that sketch, think I will save it to my inspiration folder and have a go!

  2. Loved the layout dear, its really a fun sketch and nice card! funny that in Brazil our Mother's Day is a completely different date: always the 2nd Sunday of May. XXX

  3. I can't keep up with you this week! Love the card and the colours of your layout. Gorgeous as ever!

  4. You're the Scrap Queen this week! Fab LO. Luv your card and the sentiment. Very appropriate.
