
Saturday 24 April 2010

Sketchy Thursday Time

I think I'm going to go to bed soon.
The Cocoa Daisy Crop is underway. Pop in and say 'Hi' if you are around and have scrappy time this weekend.
I've managed 2 LO's so far tonight. Will photograph tomorrow now.

Have you seen the latest sketch on the Sketchy Thursday blog? Here you go:

I lined my 3 photos in a row. These were taken on our walk in the woods on Mothers Day. This LO was inspired by my friend Laura. She has such a way with Patterned papers, I love her work.
Thanks Laura xx

I used last months Cocoa Daisy kit and a loo roll : )
If you choose to join in, don't for get to link up and you may well win a prize.

I'm going to prep a LO and then I think it's bedtime x


  1. Lots of lovely detail on your LO. You were up late, have been watching the goings on over at CD whilst waiting for my registration to be activated (thought I had an account but couldn't log on!!) Shall hopefully join in later when I've got a few jobs done.

  2. Love this layout. Am a bit behind with bolg hopping. Loving all your recent layouts.
    Caroline x
