
Thursday 3 June 2010

The Studio - Update

You may have noticed lately that things have gone a little quiet over at The Studio.
We are making some changes and as a team, we are feeling very excited.

Let me tell you more....

* To start with our Ning site is now closed. Ning are now charging, so we have closed this site and will be looking for somewhere new to host our chat community.

* You can still find us over at our new blog. See here. Here you will see all our updates and weekly challenges. We have lots of exciting things coming your way. Starting with this. Simply visit the blog become a follower and you'll be entered into a prize draw to win some Cosmo Cricket Goodies. The closing date is 30th June or when we reach 100 followers (whichever comes sooner)

* We are now on Facebook : )
Pop in and say 'Hi'. 'Like' us by the 30th June and you'll be entered into a prize draw to win some Papermaze and Craft Emporium products.

* Challenges resume again from this Sunday, 6th June. We have lots of fun packed ideas coming up and some fantastic sponsors too. I hope you will join us.

Have a good day. Looks like it's going to be a sunny one here in the UK.
I'll be back later with the new Sketchy Thursday sketch xx

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