
Saturday, 18 September 2010

Off to Sue's I go...

Good Morning,

Early one from me today.
The bags are backed and by the door, I've just taken a cake out of the oven and Steph will be here in an hour to pick me up.

We are heading to Sue's for the day and meeting Nicky there for a day crammed of giggles and scrap. Yay!!!!
I can't wait to see those girls.

I wanted to show you this.
Remember this LO I did early Summer, my so glamorous sister?

Well I got asked for it to go in this Swedish magazine with an article from Ronda who scraplifted my page. I felt so honoured.
The magazine is lovely and full of the most beautiful projects. It's made me so sad that we have nothing like this over here anymore : (
Just a shame I can't read the magazine.

I'd better shoot. I still need to shower and dress, although the thought of scrapping all day in pjs is very tempting.

To ease the gulit of leaving my brood all day I picked up a magazine for the kids and a choccie bar for elevenses. Ade kindly carried the magazines to the check out for me. So helpful. Infact so helpful, he helped himself to a magazine too and I didn't even notice until after I'd paid. Cheeky Cheeky!!!

Have a lovely Saturday.
Hugs xx


  1. CONGRATS on being featured with Ronda's scraplift!! That is AWESOME!!! Have fun with your friends! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Congrats on ur Swedish publish, looks like a lovely mag! Have a good time today you lucky thing

  3. Have a lovely time today! Congratulations on the mag. It looks beautiful! xx

  4. Have a fab day scrapping! It is cool to have been featured. I find the same when we go to Holland - there are loads of cool mags but I just can't read them!

  5. OMG, that is just the best news ever!!!! Scraplifted by an awesome scrapper and in a mag! That. Is. Cool. :)
