
Friday 5 November 2010

More Cocoa Daisy Pages

I've just finished this one above. I love the Autumnal feel.
A page about Hollie and Jordan, cousins and best friends. I took this photo of them at the woods last Friday.

This is the sketch that gave me the inspiration. It's a Cocoa Daisy sketch and it's this months sketch/lift challenge. You can see it here.
And I've used the Doiley stamp that came in this months kit, designed by Kim Watson.

And one more of my LO's made with this months kit too.
My Secret Photo.

Hollie had the clever idea to paint her toes nails red just as we were going out the door, Doh!! Silly girl. So she had to put socks and shoes on whilst they were wet making a big mess.
Naturally I was unable to photograph this for my waited until she was asleep that night : )

And don't forget to check out this weeks sketch at Sketchy Thursdays.
I love this sketch so so much and plan to play along this week. You can see it here.

I'm hoping the weather will dry up for tomorrow. We've got a real housefull for a Bonfire/Fireworks party in the village with Chilli back at ours. Should be fun.
The last weekend with Dad before he goes back first thing Monday. Sob Sob : (

Have a lovely weekend xxx

ps...Anne, thanks for your message. I hope you have a good time in Scotland. See you next week xx


  1. Just spotted your 'Besties' LO on CD, really loving those colours. Sam and his cousin are like that, they can go weeks and weeks without seeing each other, and just pick up where they left off.

  2. lovely lo's love the doily overlay on the 2nd one!

  3. love the 'Besties' LO - thats the great thing about cousins they can pick up where they left off - perfect

    Hope it stays dry for your fireworks later xxx

  4. I love you layouts... every single is very unique... your paint job is truly divine...I'm your huge fan... thanks for inspiration...xx

  5. Just awesome layouts Lisa! I love the doiley stamp!!! :)

    Hope you've had great time with family! I'm sure I'll be seeing all the photos you've taken soon! ;)

    Have the most amazing weekend!

  6. You are AMAZING Lisa! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee these!!!!! I love love love love the designs...and I swear...every page you make is PURE MAGIC! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  7. Beautiful pages Lisa! I always look forward to seeing what you post with the CD kits :)
