
Sunday 2 January 2011

I Wish......

Good Morning and a Happy New Year to you : )
I hope you've had a fun time celebrating the start of 2011.

The new challenge over at The Studio goes live today.
It's all about what would you change if you could? Looking back in hindsight, is there anything you would change, maybe something you've said or done?

I've gone with 'the weather'. I know, such an English subject. We talk about it all the time don't we?!! But it's true. Just look at this photo I took in August. Glum!!
So if I could change something, it would be our English summers.

I used the Nov Cocoa Daisy kit. Still so much beautiful stuff to use in that bag.
I love those big Jenni Bowlin buttons and I've also used my new Martha Stewart Monarch Butterfly punch. Did I tell you I got 9 new punches for Christmas? : )

My title 'Rain Rain, Go Away', came in a Scrapagogo kit yonks ago. Something I kept. Glad I did now, it's perfect for this page. And the wiggly bit below that with the dots is one of my new EK Sucess border punches. I can see that being used alot.

If you want to join in with The Studio this week visit here and you'll also see the changes being made this year on the DT. I'm staying and will be part of the LO team. We are also starting a card team and a project team. Something for everyone.

Lastly today, don't forget you can now buy this stunning Domestic Bliss kit from Cocoa Daisy. There are still some left.
I'll be back tomorrow with 2 LO's and a mini book that I made with this kit.

But now, I have some serious house chores to do. Cleaning and the Christmas deccies and tree is coming down. Sad : (
But I need tidyness again. My head can only stand the Christmas chaos for a certain amount of time. So it's all hands on deck now.

Thank you for all the lovely comments about my top 10 by the way. I haven't had chance to blog hop yet, but I'm looking forward to having time along with a cuppa and taking my time to browse and do so properly. It is not a job that should be rushed : )

See you tomorrow xxx


  1. Amazing Lisa... I just adore your layout...xoxo

  2. I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this Lisa!!!!! I love love love that music paper!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Great lo Lisa...also passing to wish you a great 2011!!!! Ans tks again for being our GDS in December. XX

  4. Very elegant layout! Beautiful work!

  5. ohhhhhhhh I am loving the layout - totally wicked and your hand writing always makes my heart skip a beat...scrumptious

  6. Brilliant idea for a layout, and what a beautiful layout it is too! I will join you in your wish! ;)

  7. this is my first time on your blog ... just adore your style, love the simplicity and the clean clear details just awesome, stunning work.. i will be back .. hugs x
