
Sunday 16 January 2011

'Me Time'

Hello Sunday!!!!

I feel so chilled today. That's such a nice feeling isn't it?!
I think one of the main reasons is that I had such a lovely day yesterday with my friends Nicky and Steph with Sue at Sue's house. I love our get togethers. We have such a laugh. These girls always highly inspire me and I just love seeing their pages in real life. Makes such a difference.
Again, Sue's hubby played a own personal and private 'Chef' for the day. With choices of homemade soup for lunch and a whole variety of tapas for dinner. We get so spoilt there.
I made 5 LO's, one of which still needs to be finished.

Abit of quality 'Me' time is so needed sometimes. Kind of recharges those batteries, especially when you are a busy Mum I think.
That's what the challenge is about at The Studio this week. 'Me' time.

What do you like to do during your time on your own?

Usually, I like to potter at home, scrap, read in the bath and just enjoy the quiet.
I really enjoy my own company, but do always look forward to everyone coming home again.

I've enjoyed layering on this page. I had quite a few bits pulled together from various manufacturers. Fancy Pants for my base paper, some Basic Grey in there and Lilybee too, abit of Sassafras. I love that heart paper from Indie Girl. One of my faves lately.

So today, at 11.30am I've already been on a doggy walk with Ade and Poppy,got a beef stew on the stove (dumpings to be added later. Yum!!), played a board game once the kids came home, had lattes and now it's homework time for them and house chores for me. We got family stuff recorded that we all want to snuggle round and watch later. Sundays are the best!!!

I hope whatever you are up to today, you enjoy.
Remember if you want to make a 'Me' page come and join in at The Studio.



  1. Sounds like alovely day Lisa, I am fairly chilled today too, just a spot of light shopping and then pottering around the house!

  2. Sounds like you had fun yesterday with your friends!! I love love love love that lo!!! I loveeeeeee the banner and loving the title on the photo!! GORGEOUS!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. great layout....and i agree "me" time and sundays chillin out are the best!!

  4. Gorgeous! And even better in real life :o). Loved yesterday so much xx

  5. This layout is absolutely gorgeous! Definitely one of my favorites! :) Love the distressed paint in the background, the pennants, the colors and all the embellishments.

    5 LO's in a day? I am extremely jealous! I with I could complete just 1 in 5 days!

  6. Sounds like you had fun yesterday with your friends!! always... beautiful layout Lisa... xoxo

  7. Lovely page! The papers have such a beachy feel to them. I'm jealous of your girls day. I need one of those :)

  8. Lisa, I really like that page and if I tried anything like that it would just look messy !!
    Busy weekend and busy week ahead, booh, won't have much time to scarp!

  9. Hi Lisa, I cant find an email address for you, can you drop me an email at

