
Sunday 8 May 2011

Summer Time is on it's Way

Well it was last weekend. This weekend looks some what different.
But it's nice to have some 'indoors' time and not feel guilty about not being outside.

We are looking for our June Guest Designer at Sketchy Thursdays.
Fancy giving it a go?
All you need to do is use this sketch and photo as your inspiration and link up to Sketchy Thursdays here by 21st May. See here for more details. We are being sponsored by Scrappy Chics this month, so the lucky winner will also receive a beautiful kit.

Here's my take on the sketch using the Fancy Pants Designs papers 'Beach Babe'.
(click on photo)

And some of the detail up close.

I was recently inspired by a LO Ronda made. I loved how she cute the egde of her papers.

Good luck : )


  1. Such a fun page. Love the yellow. :) Have a Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Thank you so much for the lesson yesterday! You took me out of my comfort zone using mists and uncoordinated colours. I like the end result, I will have to be more adventurous! After you left, the girls set up a painting area and made a few more pages. They all looked lovely and colourful. Again a big thank you and can't wait till next time! Xxx

  3. Great LO, I'd love to try for guest designer but am buried under revision at the moment, maybe sometime, that's a fab skecth though :)

  4. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee this!! I love love love all that RED!! Happy Mothers Day! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. I love that you used the sketch! :) Great page, too. LOVE it!!

  6. Beautiful layout! I love the rich red with that yummy yellow...perfect!

  7. Happy Mother's Day to you Lisa...This is a beautiful layout of you and your precious girl.. I really adore this one... hugs...xoxo

  8. Great LO!! Love the colours. And that little heart in the top.. love it!

  9. totally love the fringing at the bottom!
