
Sunday 12 June 2011

Getting Sketchy

I'm here with sketchy inspiration on this rainy Sunday morning.
Perfect scrapbooking weather.

Here's this weeks Sketchy Thurdays sketch.

I flipped my sketch this week, grabbed for some Fancy Pants 'Baby Mine' and made this.

My baby boy at 3mths in Disneyland Paris. He was so scrummy.

The July Guest Designer sketch is up too. Come and see here as this month a twist has been added too.

And here's my take.

When we go to Charmouth at Easter, we love visiting Westbaby for an evening.
Beautiful sunset, the fishing boats and fish and chips.
Good luck with your entry.

We are having one of those mad, crazy weekends.
I'll be back tomorrow with hopefully a little more calm and time.
Hope you are having a good one xxx


  1. Gorgeous LO! Great color combinations!! Love the papers you used!

  2. Love the painterly look you use!! And the little banners rock !!

  3. These are AWESOME Lisa!! I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS loveeeeeeeeeeeee the colors you use and the layers you do!! You are my idol! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. What awesome layouts! Love the misting/painting you did. My challenge blog is having a DT call right now. Would love if you took a look!

  5. I love the little I love you tag !! I wonder where you got that from !! I was thinking about them the other day actually, wondering how I could use them !!

  6. Great LO's, love your takes on the sketches, great colours and papers, and I love the paint and ripped edges in both :) Brilliant :) Plus those little flags are just gorgeous :)

  7. Just awesome Lisa!!!! Love the artsy paintwork!

  8. Both layouts are gorgeous but I absolutely love the Precious boy one!! Just love the tearing and paint/ink work!! Perfect :)

  9. Love these! Such a sweet picture of you and your baby boy!!!

  10. These layouts are amazing! I love the misting, the distressing, the stitching...perfection!!!!

  11. I really love your WORK!!! always inspiring!!!...beautiful Lisa... TFI... hugs...xoxo
