
Wednesday 25 April 2012

Layering, Monkfish and Teasers

A bit of a mish mash this post today.
Where to start?

Firstly, thank you for the sweet messages.
I'm enjoying the teaching so much. I get nervous, but I don't think that's a bad thing.
No Sue, I'm not strict. But if I had trouble makers like you, Steph and Nicky then I probably would be.
: )
I did worry during my class last weekend when one person suddenly said '' I'm really not enjoying this''.
Really not what you want to hear. The fact that it was actually my brother, that kind of makes a difference.
He then went on to love what he made and carried on scrapping in that style when he got home. I think he went a little for out of his comfort zone for a while.  

I 've finished this LO. This is going to be my next class in Swindon. (click to enlarge)

I will be showing ways of making the most out of your patterened papers.
Tips to help them stretch a little further, how to layer, ways to make them pop fom your lay outs.
Just because the paper is flat, doesn't mean your layout has to be.

We will make embellishments and page accents.
As well as making our own masks to mist.

The class is on Sunday 20th May  - 10.30am at Sparkle Dreams in Swindon.
Visit their blog here to book your space.
We will also be making a wall hanging during this class.

I promised some sneaks for the Cocoa Daisy crop this weekend.
Here are a couple.

Grafitti Bridge really sums up this months kit well. It's so bright and fun. A total contrast from last months kit.
If you haven't registered for the crop yet, you can do so here.

Last nights dinner was so yummy.
It was super fast too.
Monkfish parcels with cous cous and a sweet tomato, red pepper and chili sauce.
I popped each piece of monkfish along with some large shrimp onto foil and made a little parcel for each one. Adding some rose wine and fresh basil before it went into the oven for 15-20mins.
I added the cous cous to a pan and drizzled some toasted sesame oil over and added fresh thyme to vamp up the flavour. I had already roasted of a chopped red peper earlier in the day along with some garlic and red chili. I added this to a tin of tomatoes and whizzed it down to a sauce, adding a teaspoon of sugar, fresh basil and seasoning when heating it through.
That was it.
Just finished it with rocket and peas.
It was so so yummy.
I'm trying a new recipe today. It's been in the crockpot since 9am and smeels lovely.
I got the recipe from this months Delicious magazine. I can't find it online though.  
It's a great site and worth a visit.
The recipe is braised mediterranean beef casserole.
I'm just serving it with cabbage and roasted carrots and french bread.
Can't wait til dinner time once again : )

Enough rambling from me today.
I was going to dash to the post office as the rain had stopped, but it's started up again. Booo.

Thanks for stopping by today xxx


  1. wow how nice does your dinner sound yesterdays and today well part from cous cows - that is like chewing blotting paper!

    Love the 'messy' LO stunning xx

  2. I think I would have kicked my brother's butt if he said that in my class! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee your lo!! LOVING all the RED!!! GORGEOUS!! And thanks for sharing your story about you and your DD with me!! I really appreciate it!!

  3. That comment from your brother made me laugh. Nice one! :) Love the peeks and great layout! :)

  4. Love the layout and your class sounds fantastic! :)

  5. LOL... No second thought..I would "slap" my brother if he dare to say such thing in my class!!! LOL....I really heart your page!!! Loving all the red!!! STUNNING!!!....Enjoy reading your rambling today... hugs....xoxo
