
Wednesday 16 May 2012

Bad Week

Just popping in as I haven't forgotten my little blog.
Just having a bad week.
My pc has well and truly died and I'm working from hubs laptop for the time being.
Fortunately everything is saved on an external hardrive which today also has seemed to have packed in. Thankfully we have a back up. But fed up all the same.
But until I get a new pc I can't upload any pics : (

Plus I have a stinking cold. It started Sunday with a sore throat and now it'd everything.
I feel rotten.
Shame it's such a busy week, I wish I could just stay in bed.

I will be back again soon and will be back on form.
Distant hugs so I don;t pass on the germs



  1. Please try and find some time to relax and put your feet up!! Hope you feel heaps better soon.

  2. Big (distant) hug to feel better. And hope it all works out soon.

  3. Oh no... this is NOT good.. I hope you feel better soon... I never forget you !!! Take it easy on the PC.. get some ME time instead... hugs..xoxo

  4. {{{hugs}}} Hopefully you feel better soon!!

  5. Lisa if I were there I would do your work, clean your house, make you food and give you warm things to drink, a blanket to cozy up in and tell you to nap. really, I would. hope you feel better soon and your pc feels better too.

  6. oh my, i really hope you getting well soon and that you get a new pc. I´m impressed that you´ve saved everything on the hardrive..hugs:-)
