
Wednesday 30 May 2012

Blueberries and Doodles

Good Morning!!!
Are you loving the sunshine??? Lovely isn't it?! I could get used to wearing skirts and flip flops.

I am still not fully pc functional **very sad face**.
The building of the new pc hasn't exactly gone to plan and is still in bits all over the dining table **another very sad face**.
But I do have stuff to share today.
I forgot to show this fun LO here that I made during the Cocoa Daisy crop. Loved making this.

I need to remember to use grey bazzill more in future.

I used the Amy Tangerine paper to make this grid and printed my photos to size to fit the squares.

I cut a heart from some Prima paper and used the Cocoa Daisy arrow stamp (below) to make some little embellishments. Adding some glossy accents and inking them.

And then finished off with some stitches here and there.

I've posted on the Cocoa Daisy blog this morning. I made something for this particular post. It's probably my fave thing I've ever made. I'm so excited about it, but can't add the photos **sad face time again**. So I had a last minute change of plan and blogged about my love of black pen and doodling.
You can read the post here.

Apart from the pc life is pretty good this week.
Kids are good, Hollie is lovely : ), weather is good, Work is busy and I'm loving having some help now, it's really made a difference and I've been baking lots.
I find that the baking is really good wind down time for me. I have to admit baking more than can be eaten and it does get thrown away at times.
I made the most delicious Blueberry loaf last night.
I adapted the recipe from the Hummingbird Cake Days Book.
I used natural yoghurt instead of soured cream and doubled the quantity that was meant to be the cream. I used slightly less sugar, extra blueberries and 2 big teaspoons of very good blueberry conserve. This gives it a lovely purpley colour throughout : )
Louis had a friend over for tea and it came out of the oven as they were eating so I served it hot with vanilla ice cream. I highly recommend!!!
None of this one will go to waste I can assure you.
Blueberries have been on offer at Morrisons lately so we've had lots.
I made fresh blueberry and apple juice at breakfast this morning. Has to be one of the best juice combos ever.

Thank you for letting me ramble on.
Please keep your fingers crossed for me that my pc is up and running very very soon. I need to be fully back again. I miss it all so much.
Lots of love xxx


  1. I love the doodling and next time you come scrapping you will HAVE TO bring some cakes for us !! No good talking about it, we want to taste them !!

  2. a lovely layout....all the doodling looks amazing!

  3. Your lo is GORGEOUS!!!! Loving the frames and the paint splatters!! Baking = YUMMMMMMMMM!!! Love blueberries!!!

  4. wow LOVE that LO really stunning one of my faves

    Glad you have some help Lis xxxx

  5. Gorgeous layout, just love everything about it and the blueberry loaf sound yummy! :)

  6. Your baking always sounds so yummy!

  7. WOW...great grid frames work!!! Gorgeous layout!!! Hugs..xoxo

  8. Love this! I had no idea what to do with that paper and you did an amazing job with it. Stunning!! Love it!! :)
