
Monday 27 August 2012

Cocoa Daisy - He Said She Said Sneaks

Hello Lovely Scrappers!!!
I hope you are enjoying the long weekend in England.
We've been away at my sister's and everyone is now back with us again for the next couple of days, so life is still very crazy around here.

Whilst I am editing my Green Day Pics : ) : ) : ) : )
I just wanted to share my Cocoa Daisy Sneaks with you.
The kit arrived just a couple of hours before we headed out on Thursday and I knew I wouldn't get time to scrap until today. I managed to make one very quick one just before we left.
This kit is so lush, I couldn't wait that long.
Here's a sneaky peek to show you how lush it is.

The Cocoa Daisy Reveal is tomorrow, so come and see what we've all been up to.

Happy Monday xxx


  1. Oooooooooo - I love it,Lisa! Can't wait to see everything.

  2. Lisa these look so good.
    I am always so excited to see what you have done!

  3. Love your sneaks!!! It is a great kit, isn't it?! :)

  4. Loving the sneaks and soooooooo jealous of Green Day!!! LOVE THEM!!!!!
