
Monday 19 November 2012

Cordon Blue & A Scrap365 Sketch

Hello and a Happy Monday to you today.
I hope you had a good weekend.

I have a sketch challenge to share with you this morning.
It's the December Scrap365 sketch.
Here is my LO that I made for it.

When we were in Island of Adventures we hunted down the Mystic Fountain.
There had been chat about this fountain on the Florida Forum that I go on.  We'd visited this park on our other trips by never noticed this fountain. We hung around and laughed so much. The fountain shouts out and is so rude to people.Pretends to spit at people when they go past and make them jump. It was so funny.Louis kept trying to run up and through coins in but was going around the outside to avoid being squirted. The fountain was shouting at Louis and calling him 'Cordon Blue' (he was wearing his blue Chelsea top). It was shouting ''Hey you Cordon Blue!!'' Are you chicken???''.
We spent quite some time here, it was so funny : )

I bought lots of Basic Grey 'Serendipity & Shine on' whilst in Orlando so used some of these new bits on this page.

If you would like to see the Scrap365 sketch, you can view it here and play along.
The closing date to play along is 20th December.
Have fun : )



  1. Wowwwwwwww! This is GORGEOUS Lisa! I loveeeeeeeee the colors, the clouds, the sun and loveeeeeee the stars!!!

  2. Great story and lovely bright colours in your page.Might go a take a look at that sketch....
    Karen x

  3. beautiful colours, makes me want to be made in Florida instead of this cold, wet country x

  4. wow another stunning layout Lisa... loving the cheery background...Stunning!!! Hugs...xoxo

  5. Oh my! Lisa, that background scene is amazing! Lovelovelove those sun rays and all the cute elements! What a happy happy layout! :)
