
Friday, 30 November 2012 name is...

Good Morning,
I hope it's not too cold where you are.
I so struggled to get out of bed this morning as it was so cold and my bed was so cozy.

I have a couple of Cocoa Daisy layouts today.
This kit is just the best. 
It goes on sale tomorrow (1st) The addons went super fast during the reveal to the subbers, so if you can get your hands on a kit tomorrow, I highly recommend. (here's the link)

We met Mario whilst in Orlando at Seaworld.
We wanted to do some different things this time and we booked this behind the scenes tour.
It was amazing and so so much fun. It was a small group of 15. A great tour and we got to touch a shark and this little fellow too who was super friendly and very very vocal : )

The Thickers come with the addon 'How've you been'. They were brown, so I sanded them down covered them in this Prima Chalk Ink and then added Glossy Accents. The Prima Inks are very juicy and coat really well.

I needed to add a little more red to my page so added some hand stitching.
Happy Memories : )

The next one was using 'Simple Stories' from the Kit. I love their stuff!! 


An everyday page this time about how I plan our weekly menu. This is this weeks.

And the little wired house again. Love that!! I used Glossy Accents to stick it on with this time.
And using my new EKSucess Border punch that I bought in the US.
So so much cheaper than in the UK and with 40% off. I do love a bargain!!

And leaving you today with my delicious Spicy Thai Pumpkin Soup.
nom nom nom

Have a great day and stay warm xxx


  1. These are gorgeous Lisa!! I loveeeeeeee the masking and loving the frames in the first one and what you did to the Thickers!!

  2. Love the banners behind the word "hello" on the second one! I will be scraplifting that at some point!

  3. These layouts are beautiful Lisa!!!! the 1st one is so cute and I love it... hugs...xoxo
