
Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Every Little Helps


I hope you are well and enjoying the build up to Christmas.
The kids are getting very excited.
Louis has the whole 'end of the world' thing going on his head right now. He sat at the breakfast table on Monday and I was thinking just 4 more days to go until they finish school for the year. So I said to him, ''Louis, just 4 more days to go''. All smiley and happy. He replied ''what til the world ends???''.
He then later asked me what would I do if I really knew for sure that the world was ending at the end of the week. I aksed him what would he do. He said '' open all the doors of my advent calendar''. That's a 10yr old boy for you I guess : )

I don't have too much else to share today. Well I do, but I'm having pc problems again : (
And I can't sort my photos right now. Ade has it in hand though and I should hopefully be up and running properly again later. It wasn't as simple to fix as he first thought. It never is!!

I did want to share this though that I found on my friend Julie's blog today.
After the awful news on Friday I think it's left everyone so stunned and wanting to hold on even tighter to our babies. Your heart goes out to all those families so far away and yet there's nothing you can do.
Amber Kemp-Gerstel, a scrapbooker and a child psychologist has come up with a wonderful idea to help those poor children that have experienced things no child should have to go through.
Take a look at her blog and have a read for yourself here.
I think it's such a great idea.

Lisa xxx

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Lisa for sharing Amber's link!! I love your end of the world story ... toooooooo cute!!!! Hope the computer gets better soon!!!!
