
Wednesday 20 March 2013

Our Story - My Minds Eye Mini Book

Hello and welcome to my little blog today.

Lifes been getting in the way again and I haven't been blogging as much as I want to.
Don't tell anyone, but until last night I hadn't created anything for just over a week. That's so unlike me. But last night I made up for it and made this little book.

I'm really pleased with it.
It's My Minds Eye for starters. I just love those colours and it's for my Mum.
I know she will love it.

She was looking after an elderly lady for quite some time and became really close to her. She sadly passed recently and Mum's really missing her. I thought at the time that Mum was doing too much. She's a full time florist and helps other elderly people too and she was spending so much time with this other lady. A couple of hours in the evenings putting her to bed etc.. but I now realise how close the bond was : (
Last night Mum was telling me again the things she missed about her and the cute little sayings she had. Mum said she was going to write them down, so now she can write them down here and add a couple of little photos too.

There's full instructions on how to make this plus lots more photos on Papermaze here today. All supplies can be bought from there too.

Thank you for staying with me eventhough I haven't been blogging and blog visiting as much lately.
Can you believe I'm still having dizzy spells after 4 weeks now? It's just when I get tired, but makes early morning and evening really hard going cutting down my work and creative time : (
It was my birthday yesterday though and I did get spoilt.
I will share with you another time. I have to get back to work now.

Lots of love xxx


  1. I wish the dizzy stuff would go away! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY again!! This is such a sweet mini for your mom!! I am sure she will fill it with amazing memories!!

  2. What a lovely book, Lisa! I haven't created in a week either, been so busy.

    Good to hear you had a good time on your birthday!
