
Tuesday 28 May 2013

Remember Me????

It's been a while **blush**
Thanks for sticking with me.
I am so snowed under with work right now and struggling to fit anything else in right now.
I finally created last week when my Cocoa Daisy kit arrived.

Here's the proof.

This latest kit is so summery and pretty. I love the colours.
The full reveal is tonight where you can see our full galleries and all the goodness of this fun kit.

I taught a really fun class at Sparkle Dreams on Saturday in Swindon. I started the day with a sore throat that then went in to a full blown cold by the evening. I'd forgotten how lousy colds make you feel. I ache so much and feel so tired despite sleeping most of the weekend : (
Back in to work today though, no time to feel sorry for myself.

I hope you had a good weekend.
Thanks for stopping by today.
Lots of love xxx


  1. Hi stranger :) Loving the sneaks!!

  2. hey ... Lisa... good to see you back... I'm just like you.... totally swamped!.... Loving your gorgeous sneaks... hugs...x
