
Monday 2 September 2013

Project Life

I've neglected my Project Life pages recently.
There's been a lot going on. But I always promised myself when I decided to scrap this way that I wouldn't number my weekly pages and I wouldn't put any stress on myself. I would just do it as and when I fancied. So I'm ok with missing out a few weeks here and there.

Here is my page that I made using my Cocoa Daisy addon 'Daisy Special' this month.

I documented a few days when Dad was over including a day in London.
I used one of the glassine envelopes that comes with the kits to hold our train tickets.
We have a whole blog page dedicated to these pages over at Cocoa Daisy today.
Off to fix lunch now. We are enjoying the last 3 days of school holiday.


  1. Looks awesome!! LOVING the photos and the goodies you used!!

  2. Love it Lisa... I miss you heaps.... I'm back now... hugs...x
