
Wednesday, 19 March 2014

A Number, a Splat, a Clip & a Word of Wisdom

That's Sharmaine's challenge at Cocoa Daisy this month.
Can you add those to a LO?
If so then link up your page to the challenge here and you could win $10 to spend on Cocoa Daisy goodies.

Here is my LO that I made.

It's a combo of the Feb & March Kit
The number being the number of years we celebrated being married on Friday.

I used a black Maya Mist on my wooden '7' and coloured in the Elle's Studio alpha stickers in black and the 'year' were taken from the October Afternoon alphas, I drew around them lots of times. All from the March Kit.
Today we are celebrating my birthday. March is a busy month.
Not doing too much. Working and currently eating a broccoli, cashew & cranberry salad whilst I type. But the kids were sweet today. They got into bed with me this morning, Louis did a drawing and Hollie let me walk her to school. It's been years!! She told me not to make a habit of it though, it was a one off : )
I hope you are having a good day too xxx


  1. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I love love love love this!! LOVING that background and the "7"!!!

  2. That background work and that huge 7 is really eye-catching!

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday my friend!

  3. Happy Birthday! HOpe you are having a lovely day. Love the LO too.

  4. Love this! Soooooooooooo eye-catching!
