
Friday 16 May 2014

OLW - #83 - WILL

That's this months 'word'.
What does this word mean to you and how does it inspire you?

This is what happened when I thought of this word.
The title goes 'WILL HE EVER?????????????????????????'

And here's some of the journaling.

Yes....he's driving us pretty mad at the moment.
And yes, we are guilty if recently holding him down and taping up his mouth : )
It was just as a laugh, no Louis' were harmed in this process and we didn't hold his nose at the same time, honest. We love him really!!

I used lots of this months Cocoa Daisy Kit and added lots of the pretty Scrapmatts chipboard too.

Please let this word inspire you too and see what you end up creating.
Link up to the OLW Challenge blog here and take a look at what the other DT members have created too.

It's been a strange ol' week here. Lots going on.
I'm working long 16hr days, but making sure I take a break this summer and Ade and I have been taking walks. I'm finally loosing weight after gaining slowly for quite some time.
We are eating really well, walking and it's finally coming off.
I'm now 9lb lighter and feel so much better for it.

I wanted to contact Alison who left me a message here on my blog, but I couldn't seem to leave a comment on your's. I loved reading about your move and how brave you've all been. I'm glad things are going well and find your story so inspiring. I wish we had the courage to get up and go. We'd be in Orlando in a shot.
I also understand what you say about struggling to fit scrappy time in. I can honestly say this time of year, if it wasn't for me being on DT's and having deadlines, I don't think I would actually scrap. I'm glad I have these commitments as I enjoy it so much and really do need that creative release that it gives me. 

That's me for today.
I have another DT deadline that I need to squeeze in : )


  1. Love love love love this! LOVING the colors and the way you journaled!!!!

  2. Fab layout! Love all the layer and the fun?!? topic - will sure be interesting for him to look back on! lol

  3. Oh, gracious! I totally relate to this whole ordeal. My big kiddo is 10-years-old, but we've been in this same place for A LONG TIME. Sigh. LOVE all the journaling and the yummy colors here! Praying you look back at this page and just laugh one day ;).

  4. Thanks Lisa - that's me! What a story, hey? My email is

    No idea why you couldn't post on my blog ... but our move is going well - hubby has just bought a brand new twin cab (fitted with the requisite roo bar and roll cage, as they hit so many kangaroos and wild pigs out here, I kid you not!) and our mortgage has been approved in the house we've chosen at Hervey Bay ... scary stuff, but we've made the jump and had faith, and after the really bad start for six months, things are really going our way ... love your style - these colours are gorgeous and good luck with your deadlines ...

  5. Super cute set of LO's, love it.
