
Friday 16 January 2015

I like to SING her praises - OLW #91

This months word over at OLW is SING.

Marsha got us started with a beautiful challenge this month.
Take a look here.
Her words are so inspiring and I just love her work too.

Here is my DT piece for this challenge.

She's a good girl.
We've had our ups and downs as expected when you have a teen, but looking so back so far, it's been a pretty good few years. If the remainder of her teens are like this then we have nothing to worry about.

I used mostly my January Cocoa Daisy Kit on this page with a few older kits bits thrown in too.
I love this photo that I took of Hollie. We were waiting for the boys who were still in the restaurant restroom. There was a little archway which framed her perfectly with the Disney castle in the background.

I really wanted to use these wooden alphas. They were perfect, but I didn't have a 'g'.
So I used an upside down 'd', chopped off the bottom and then cut a flower from a piece of BasicGrey paper to finish it off.
Did I get away with it????   : )

So there you have 'sing' LO for this month.

I hope you want to play along with us too.

Lisa x

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