
Tuesday 3 March 2015

Crazy Chipmunks & a Sketch


I have some crazy chipmunks for you today.
Chip & Dale.
The kids love meeting these two at Disney.
It's my turn to host this months sketch challenge over at Cocoa Daisy.
This sketch was perfect for me to adapt to include all my photos.

There was a time when I would usually only scrap the one photo. Funny how you change over time. 
The few whimsy pieces in this months CD kit was just right for my page. That's something that I love about getting a kit. Pulling out bits and pieces. I think if you were to look at my previous LO on my blog and then this one, you wouldn't think that they were from the same kit.   

These two were so funny. When it was our turn, Chip came up right close to Ade's camera and then started messing around with Hollie's hair. Dale was with Louis. When it was time for the main photo Chip tried to push Louis out of the photo. It was so much fun watching the kids laugh and mess around. Something I love about Disney. They can turn from being stroppy teens to giggly 6yr olds again. I love it!!   

We'd love you to join us and play along with this sketch challenge.
See here for full details.
You have 2 weeks to play and 1 winner gets a $10 coupon to spend in the Daisy store.
Have fun xxx 


  1. Love love love this! LOVING the photos and the little deer!!!

  2. Love this to bits! What a pretty palette, and that woodgrain background, not to mention all the word bits and journaling, is fantastic!
