Hi! I'm Lisa.
I live in Southern England. 30 miles outside of London in the green countryside. Along with my hubby and our 2 teens, Hollie & Louis. Plus our little King Charles Cavalier, Poppy . We are a Disney mad family and are always saving for and planning the next trip.
I've always been a bit 'crafty'. I've kept mini books since I was a child, always liked drawing and sticking, always got far too excited when entering a stationery store and seeing all those pens and pencils and have tried various crafts over the years.
I was a card maker and started scrapbooking when Louis was 2 and have been hooked since.
It's a way of life for us as a family now.
Everyone enjoys capturing a story and taking photos.
I started up my own wedding stationery business back in 2003 called Funky Fairies.
The business took off straight away which lead to us converting our garage in to a studio for me which over the years has become an office/art studio. It's the perfect place for me to run the business and also scrap in too. It's lovely and bright and a happy place to hang out. It's quite normal after school to find everyone in here. One child on the pc and myself and the other child on the sofa chatting.
I started teaching scrapbooking & mixed media classes a fews years ago and just love it. It's so good chatting with people and I find myself learning and being inspired all the time. I've met some wonderful people, some have become really good friends.
I started up a new business. Lollipop Box Club. in 2015. It's a happy mail subscription kit club aimed at those who love all things crafty....just like me : )
It's taken over the wedding business now and the whole family has come on board. Life is busy and vary manic with me often working 16/17 hour days...but I love what I do! I just need more hours in my day!
I love this hobby and this way of life.
I don't think I could ever be without it now.
Lisa x
Hi Lisa! Thank you for all of your inspirations! What is the best method you use to print your photos? Thank you for your help!