Hi there !!!
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments, makes me smile : )
It's autumn now and I must say, I love this change of season. I feel so cozy and can't wait for Christmas. This is my fave time of year and I feel so happy.
I completely forgot to share with you what we did over at
Cocoa Daisy recently.
Ronda organised a scraplift challenge. A bit like chinese whispers. We had 2 teams, both of which starts with the first person on the list being shown the same LO. They then go on to scraplift the LO and then email their LO to Ronda who then emails that second LO to the next person on the list. There are 7 players on each team. The first team to complete is the winning team. It was so much fun and such a laugh. My LO is above.
I got my email just minutes before doing the school run, typical. That's an hour gone, so came home and inbetween sorting out the kids and making tea etc.... I think I had my LO made and emailed within about 3hrs. Was quite pleased with that turn around. And our team went on to win...yay!! It did help though that a member on the other team went on holiday and didn't tell anyone, kinda caused a slight delay : )
If you want to see what both teams came up with visit here:
Scraplift revealThis next LO was another that I made on my scrap retreat.
I just can't watch when they play in the playground. Makes me feel sick and I get wobbly knees. Didn't do stuff like that when I was little. Just too scary. Liked my feet firmly on the ground.
Ade on the other hand gets well in there and finds it funny. I'm sure they all do it to make me go wobbly.

And this one is the latest sketch from
Sketchy Thursdays.I quite liked it and then you know when you carry on adding and you wished you'd stopped. That's the feeling I get with this one.
Why did I add that stupid piece of red felty strip????? And that brad all alone???
What was I thinking???? Should've just left it as it was.

Went and got my nails done first thing today. Something else I can cross off this weeks to-do list.
I also stopped off at costa coffee before I headed back to the car. I'm really missing my latte. I bought a lovely posh coffee machine at the beginning of the year. I buy costa coffee and have that costa experience at least twice daily. I love it and have to admit, need it too. The bloody machine leaks though and has been making watery latte. Not good. Sent it off to get fixed, it got returned 2 weeks later to still produce pond loads of water over the work surface. So it's back being fixed again and we are now into week 2. I miss it soooooo much.
My nearest costa/starbucks is 4 miles away though and both in town centres. Not somewhere you can just drive by to pick up. So I asked for extra hot to take away today and was so pleased when I got home earlier that it was still lovely and hot. I just want another one now : (
I really am low maintence honest. Just need hugs, lattes and a hot water bottle in the evenings to keep me happy. That's not too much to ask is it?!!
Can't believe how much I've gone on today. Guess I better get back to work.
As my MIL would say 'this won't get the baby bathed'.
Lots of love xx