Does anyone else here struggle to keep up with everything in the summer?
Life just becomes so busy with the kids being off school and all the various activities going on.
We thought it would be fun to show some summer LO's over at Cocoa Daisy this week. A group of us got together and I put
a blog post together here.
There are several LO's and a mini book too. Please check it out. There's so much inspiration within that one blog post. I love seeing all the different scrap styles together.
I chose a photo I'd taken of Hollie at the start of the summer break.
She wanted to dye her hair blue, so we compromised and she had some blue flashes put in instead. The idea being that after the 6 weeks they would have faded ready for the start of school again.
I used the '80 Days' kit along with the 'Hong Kong' addon.
I made the striped flag from the Fancy Pants packaging, made a couple of holes in the top and threaded the wired ribbon from the main kit through.
It was really fun to make : )
We took the kids in to London yesterday to see Phantom of the Opera.

I was nervous as to whether they would enjoy it. I wanted them to experience something so different as to what they have seen so far. I used to take Hollie to the theatre quite a lot. She first went when she was 5. We took her to see Lion King in London. She's also been to various local theatres and always enjoyed it. We've taken Louis along too a couple of times. We were lucky one year and got front seats to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in Woking. That was so good. But Louis is a fidget and moans a lot. He did so well yesterday though and said he enjoyed it. I did feel sorry for the people around us though. He barely sat still. I had to keep holding his rocking leg still, he kept cuddling me, sliding off his booster seat (which we ditched in the second half) he was hot, he was cold, he suddenly got hayfever???? he felt claustrophobic, was hungry, was name it, he was it. But he did enjoy it and I helped him follow the story. He was surprised that it was actually them singing.
Hollie was just in awe of the whole thing, the place, the music, everything.
I'm glad we did it.
It was fun taking the train in to London too. I don't know why we don't do it more often.
50mins and we were there and 15min walk from the train to the theatre, as easy as that. We got there an hour early so wandered in to Picadilly, did the Trocadero and grabbed kfc.
It was really fun and at 10.40am Hollie is still asleep : ) I must go and wake her.
Here's a selfie we took on the train.
Now in to complete contrast, next week we are going to see Green Day. The kids first rock concert. How cool. They announced a surprise gig just this week at a really small venue and we were lucky enough to get 4 tickets, can't wait : )
I hope you are having a good summer.
It just always seems to go by so fast.
xx hugs xx