They story behind this LO is basically....working 9-5...I wish. People just don't appreaciate or understand the hours you have to put in when you work for yourself. People (that's friends and family) just call for a chat or pop in and just think of you being at home....they never take your work seriously. I would love to be able to close the doors on my work sometimes but at the same time, I so proud of what I have achieved.

Bex launched a challenge to use Gems on a card this week, so that's what I've done.

Need to pack up some more orders now ready to go to the postie after school drop off tomorrow.
Nite xx
another fab LO I LOVE and totally agree with your journalling - I feel your frustration
And there's me just having interrupted you AGAIN with a phone call!! *blush* Love your LO, it's good to have the honest journaling and you'll find that fascinating to look back on one day when you're retired and bored! :O)
Nicky, friends like you are an acception....and didn't I call you first???? You were returning my call : )
lis xx
You certainly work hard, Lis, with fantastic results. I could feel your thoughts coming through your LO - you deserve your job to be taken seriously. Btw, I don't think you'll ever be retired and bored! x
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