I've had a few LO's in the Readers Gallery in Scrapbook Inspirations these past few months, so was so chuffed when I got asked to join in with the sketch challenge.
This is my LO that I worked on for the mag that's in this months edition.

I've had a really busy time lately, trying to keep on top of work and be a Mum and everything else that's thrown at you each day. I haven't had much scrappy time which is a shame as I've had some lovely kits arrive this month.
I did manage this LO though a little while ago. It was a Cocoa Dasiy prompt to use some boy colours but don't scrap a boy.
So I scrapped Hollie instead : )

I feel really excited as my lovely friend Nicky Noo and her family are coming to stay this weekend ...yay yay yay xx