I am really struggling to keep up now. I have stuff to blog but I run out of hours each day.
I think my blog is feeling rather neglected and unloved right now.
I meant to blog yesterday about the art journaling class I taught at Sparkle Dreams in Swindon on Sunday.
It was so so much fun. An absolute smashing group of ladies.
Apparently our laughter could be heard all over the store. It was one of those classes where we just laughed so much.
I can't wait for the next one now : )

I took my little brother along with me.
He's a scrapbooker, but very arty with it so I knew this would be right up his street.
I was right : )

His first art journal.

Something else I've been wanting to share is the latest Ron Howard movie that's being filmed in walking distance of where we live.
We have a massive Commonland in Yateley and a big disused runway. So they are filming a new F1 movie based on Nikki Lauder and James Hunt.
The whole crew has been so accomodating to us locals and we can walk around up there and watch the filming.
Ade and I walked by on Friday on the way to pick the kids up from school and were lucky enough to meet Ron Howard.

We went with friends after school a couple of weeks ago and got to watch some filming.
We were amazed that they really do shout 'Camera Action'. To hear those words was so exciting.
A scene was being filmed here.

We had been watching the F1 car in a shoot. It had all teh cameras attached to it and it was zooming up and down the runway.
I found it quite scary just stood behind this flimsey fence with the kids while the car was going up and down so fast.

And there you see the clapper board. 'Camera Action'.

How cool is that!!
School run time, better dash.
Thanks for visiting me xxx
Don't fret Lisa, you blog much more than me! How cool is your brother?!
Loveeeeeeeeee your brothers journal!! Very cool!! And soooooo awesome that you met Ron Howard!!!
WOW... how cool is that!!! your brother 1st art journal is fabulous!!!
How awesome... you've got to meet Ron Howard!!!... hugs...xoxo
well Lisa, when you do get a chance to blog it's always lovely. How cool is that about meeting Ron Howard!! I love your brother's journal as well. If it makes you feel any better you blog 5x as much as I do :)
Oh wow, how super cool is that to be able to see the filming, and just bump into the stars in the street :) Love your brothers journal, must be great sharing your hobby :)
You blog a lot more often than I am managing, we all understand that life just saps away the time to come on here, and we just enjoy it when you do :)
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