It's been a while.
We are now home from a 3 week trip to Orlando.
It's taken me a couple of days to settle and stop getting teary each time I think about it.
So I guess I should pre-warn you from now - Orlando photo overload for the next few months.
And yes, before you ask....the next trip is already being planned : )
Whilst I was away Cocoa Daisy launched the new
November Kit 'Weathervane'.
It was waiting for me when I came home.
Lucky Me!!
Friday afternoon was unpacking, Saturday we went to Swindon to collect our doggie from Mum's, we went out for lunch and I spent the evening with my sister.
Sunday was catching up with the house and work and finally Sunday afternoon I opened my Cocoa Daisy box.
Here is my first Orlando LO of this trip using this beautiful kit.
That's it for now.
I will be back with lots of stories very soon.
Hugs xxx