I've created this LO today....my little daydreamer. I feel I understand Hollie pretty well. We are so alike in many ways. I don't see there being anything wrong in beaing a daydreamer. Daydreams are quite often the best place to be.
The wording goes 'My little Dolly-Day-Dream' 'always in a world of your own' 'I love your daydreamy creative head' 'you remind me of me' .
This LO was completely inspired by a LO on the CocoaDaisy forum. I only joined this week. (Nicky told me to) but it seems a fun and inspiring place to be. I've been getting the kits for a good 8mths now and love them.
It's abit of a scraplift and I've also used the handcut clouds and handmade flowers. Mine are made out of our local newspaper. All the bits are from this months kit and I've added some doddlebug & American Crafts alphas too.
Now for the 'proud' bit.
Hollie came out of school just now very excited. She has been awarded the gold certificate award. This is something very few children get. Only 1 per class per term. So in the whole school year 12 out of 120 get the award.

Well done Hollie xxxx
No wonder you're a proud mummy, Lis. Well done, Hollie!
As for "Nicky told me to" - you make it sound like I forced you, LOL! Love what you did with the Cocoa Daisy prompt LO, the clouds and flowers are sweet xx
Well done Hollie!
Great LO Lis. xx
oh wow how much like YOU does she look expect you clearly would never get a GOLD certificate lol
Love the LO - I wish my kit would hurry up
Well done Hollie, and she looks like her mummy too! Fab LO, completely agree nothing wrong with daydreaming!
Well done Hollie! Nothing wrong with a bit of day dreaming it is mentioned several times on my school report cards! Lo is fab too x
:) Look who won layout of the week for this week on Cocoa Daisy! :)
Yay for Hollie - well done x
Well done Hollie!
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