I still have some LO's to show from The Studio's Cyber Crop Weekend that I need/want to share.
Above is my Louis and Nephew Charlie. I love using the Swiss Dots card.
Below are my babies.

And one of Louis again.
Finally cracked the Monkey Bars this Autumn.
(and I still can't do them!!)

Lots of stuff going on with us as with most other families this time of year...school stuff galore and huge amounts to do.
I now have packed lunches to make and Holby City to catch up on.
Chat soon xx
Oh wow I am just loving your creations... and can't believe I missed out on cyber crop..
But your creations are so beautiful... love the 2nd one stunning
Caroline x
really beautiful! I so envy you your paint skills.
Luv how you cluster those embellishments. Beautiful LOs and once again, really enjoy seeing how you employ paints on your LO!
Your quickie is fantastic!!
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