Do you have a
Cocoa Daisy Kit on it's way to you this month?
I loved
Denise's sketch challenge.
Go and take a look
She's made her own sketch with LO for inspiration.
I adore Denise's very artsy style.
This is my interpretation.

I've used the new June Cocoa Daisy Kit. I just love the bright Lilybee papers.
Aren't they fun?!!
And I'm so into adding circles to my pages right now.

The three of us in this photo just makes me smile. Ade captured it so well.
This was the day in April that we went to Chessington with my sis and her family.
The boys went on the Cobra first and then my sis, Hollie and I.
I wanted to hold on tight and they nagged me to put my hands up.
Total Peer pressure!!

I found some free printable stars online to print off, cut out and use as templates for my misting and stars on my page.

Want to play along, go on over to
Cocoa Daisy.
I've loads on right now. Work and stuff and I'm really, really tired.
I need to go out this morning with 3 bags for the post office and I need to go into town for some supplies for work, but I so feel like staying in and I need to take the kids out after school as Hollie urgently needs a new coat and school bag. bOOOOO to going out today.
This means though that if I get everything done today, tomorrow can be a peaceful one
: ) That's the plan.
So, see you tomorrow when hopefully I'm enjoying my quiet day xxxxx